Bricky Basset

Yes, you missed something.  The comment about Florida was just an aside about the poor state of worker protections in many parts of the USA. Florida was just being kicked-while-down (not unfairly -- Florida has some of the crappiest unemployment benefits in the US thanks to years of “fuck-the-poor” behaviors from the

Only seems to come into effect if you’re an old white male who doesn’t like to pay taxes -- like most of the founding fathers.

I was going to go with foam in a septic tank, but Santorum is much better.

I think that should be “geographically diverse” not “geologically diverse” in the teaser line.

Fuck that, each person who was delayed gets to use him as free labor for 48 hours.

Let’s hope the new rocket doesn’t soar like a leaf on the wind.

I worry about the long-term structural integrity of the new design. I like the metal pivots.

Move to international waters. Armed assaults on vessels could be considered piracy and dealt with using less-than-subtle methods.

Just like seat licenses vs. actual season tickets

And this isn’t even accounting for the cost of local transportation (taxi, Uber/Lyft, rental car, train/bus) once you get to your destination if you had flown.

oil filter wrench

And while AMC didn’t put this van into production, some of its ideas were. Four-wheel drive became an AMC marketing point.


Actually, let’s expand that and say, making it easy to do routine maintenance on your own vehicle needs to make a come back. There’s a reason I drive an older truck — I can get to all of the fluid checks / fill points, I can change the belts without a $250 tool, and there is actually room to put my hands into the

Easy to access oil pans / drain plugs / filters.  Many companies have move to top mounted filters which makes that part easier, but when you need to move a plastic aeroshield, and use a funnel to catch the oil because the plug is mounted 6 inches up inside the aeroshield on a 45 degree corner, it really makes home oil

I still don’t understand why companies want to limit the height of the rear cargo area so much.  Yes, there are aero issues, but if I can’t get suitcases for 4 people into the cargo area, why even bother with the cargo area.  This looks like it has only slightly more cargo space than a Corvette.

That was some dumbass calculus. Maybe if it was $4k, but for $40k, that’s a different matter.

Well, the whack-a-doodles like OAN. I guess since the whack-a-doodles seem to be loudest voice in the GOP (now rebranded as the “Get Out Party”) that makes your statement true.

I remember the “good old days” when you had to listen to conspiracy theories from your crazy relatives or people who had taken a few too many

only if it isn’t Kia, Hyundai, Alfa Romeo.

is this a different list or a subsection of “Reasons not to buy a Nissan”?