Bricky Basset

I’m guilty of this, but I’m using 275 tires on the 265 wheels of my truck (old Sierra 2500 HD)

rigid lugnuts / wheels / rims / hubcaps that extend more than 3 inches past the outer edge of the fender / wheel arch.
I’m not talking about the indicators on commercial trailers, I’m talking about the things that look like something that would be on James Bonds car to cut other drivers’ tires.

Tampa isn’t “North Florida”.
Jacksonville is “North Florida.”

How about the refund everyone who they towed a few hundred dollars as well.

You are not the only one.

When a politician is negatively impacted.

Let’s not give TC any more credit than he is due. He is a perfectly normal dipshit.

No it is someone acting like a ass (the ATV rider) and finding out the results of their actions.  FA&FO in action.

Fucking Kia dealers

Duesenberg Automobile & Motors Company, Inc.had a good run.

It’s a great place to find antique furniture because the people’s kids don’t want to move it back across the country.

Situations like this (not just this specific one, but also the other examples mentioned) should call for a replacement option, not just cash. Many folks can’t find a replacement vehicle for the wholesale value of the ruined one. This goes for nearly new and older vehicles both. If a shop drops my 2 year old car off of

Or make “foxnews” into an all-furry channel or a channel that shows Pam Grier movies 24x7 for a few years (on Murdoch’s dime).

Don’t be part of the problem. Be the whole problem.

You’re not looking in the right store. Try the semi-tractor and farm implement stores.

Can we just seal them in a small dome with no extra air supply? The problem will solve itself in a few weeks.

The remains (fur and flesh and maggots) of a squirrel that decided the inside of my engine fan shroud was a good place to stash nuts. He was “cuisinarted” by the fan blade (5.3L LS engine with belt driven fan). I didn’t realize what had happened for 24 hours. The smell and the flies led me to its remains. The worst

I bet there is a file at Goodyear with that information.  Whether they can “find” it is a separate issue.

Now Kia just has to deal with its dealer network.

Don’t tempt Sidney.  ;-)