Bricky Basset

Unpopular opinion: make them drive actual production cars with all of the crappy “convenience” features and the hard-to-work-on engines. Maybe bolt in a roll cage and side bars. Let people see the real consequences of driving at 150 mph. I’d love to see the auto stop kick in during pit stops and anti-lock brakes

Tactical Genius Ninja Batman with bleeding-edge technology

Don’t forget the 6x6 rovers from Moonbase Alpha (Space: 1999).

Oil pressure sensor on Vortec 5.3L in 2000 Chevy Suburban:
1. remove plastic engine cover
2. lay out on top of engine
3. blindly reach between top and engine and firewall and disconnect wiring harness from sensor
4. using special, odd-sized socket on ratchet extension, unscrew sensor (hoping that it comes loose)

Oh, yes it is. Any time someone who has any degree of privilege (real or imagined) is call out, they will have defenders who cry out “cancelled.”

I’d rather have an original Mach 1.

Deer run out in front of semi trucks and trains.  Those are definitely loud enough to hear.

Your suggestion can be very dangerous if the animal is only stunned and wakes up while you’re checking on it. Yes, call to report the incident, but don’t get out and check on the deer. Dogs, cats, cows—yes, but not deer, squirrels, raccoons, etc.

To be that guy: and older pickup truck with 1/4" thick plate steel bumpers — the ones you repaint with a rattle can solves a lot of the issues with damage to your vehicle.  The gas mileage sucks, though.

The only way some cars will go 116 mph is by being dropped from a great height.

That one isn’t too bad compared to some. Building on sand (South Florida) or clay over porous lime rock (North Florida) isn’t conducive to long-lasting roads.

Business-class laser printers. Get one that understands Postscript—less need to worry about drivers. Business-class printers generally cost 50-75% more to purchase, but the supplies are generally less expensive on a per-page basis.  They don’t print great pictures, but you don’t have to hassle with as many problems

I disagree. The suburban fills a need that many families have—how to seat 5+ people and their luggage in a climate-controlled space that is comfortable for long drives. Add in the ability to out-tow most of the basic trucks available at the time and you have a great combination.

I have a Pork Chop Express morale patch on my backpack. I’ve had to explain it so many times, I’m tempted to just download the movie to my phone so I can just play it for people.

I like to keep my old and valuable books in antique glass-front bookcases. Enough time has passed for the finish to have set (usually lacquer) so the VOC issue isn't present. The open space in between the shelves and doors allow the air to circulate a bit and the unsealed underside of the shelves helps to regulate

No, that would have been Tebow

Discovery Centers (Centres) have different rules than the theme parks (at least in the US).

Because we didn't domesticate cats. Cats just exploit humans.

I don't think she kicked him in the shin — between the shins maybe.

I'd vote for Larry Niven's 'Known Space' stories, Stanley Weinbaum's collected stories, early Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Asprin's Phule's Company series, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Bill the Galactic Hero