
Is it time to start worrying about the would-be next generation of star quarterbacks in the NFL?

One millionaire who will always want Lovie:

Was in Orange County when they left. The Catch, a restaurant across the street from the stadium, advertised Lack of Ram as the special for a month.

You know what else is fun, but gives you slightly better odds of winning? Sports betting. You know, like betting on a team that you think will win, against a line. Instead of playing against a mysterious x number of lineups (opportunity is one of the greatest drivers of fraud), you play against a known number that

My husband cannot throw the ball and fetch the ball.


Meanwhile, athletes who haven’t bothered to offer lame excuses or make teary shows of contrition—Lance Armstrong comes to mind, but there are certainly others—have stayed on the relative fringes.

Merry Christmas Tim. Thanks for running enough content to distract us from our families.

Rickey and I share this birthday. Often, when I give my ID to religions clerks they will say something like “Someone very special was born that day.”

“Happy Birthday Rickey!”

Favorite Rickey story of all time; Rickey’s rookie year, and the A’s were having trouble with one of their rival teams (I think the Angels or the Royals). One of the coaches gives a speech about how their opponent puts on their pants one leg at a time, just like the rest of the league does.

Pretty cool that Ignatius J. Reilly is a Raiders fan. Seems out of character, but whatever.

This is to clever by half, if you lived in a western country you were protected by these weapons. That said we did have some crazy plans but at least we were on the side of democracy and freedom.

Nobody’s perfect.

How can a moment that wasn’t any of ours’ favorite sports moment of the year be a glaring omission from a list of our favorite sports moments of the year?

Love, [Redacted]