Remember, when someone can use the r-word and still have the moral highground against you.... you are truly an asshole (or taking an asshole position).
Remember, when someone can use the r-word and still have the moral highground against you.... you are truly an asshole (or taking an asshole position).
I have an exception to your rules on standing in a game. I was at a White Sox game a few years ago and a group from Misericordia sang the National Anthem. For those of you who don’t know what Misericordia is, it’s a home for people with mental disabilities, mostly downs syndrome. Well, we have season tickets, for…
Mostly Cam got mad when some reporter referenced the Panthers as winless at 1-5.
I don’t think you know what a beer belly is.
Come on! You’re really gonna pull that shit here???
Junior Wisconsin forward Nigel Hayes has become a college basketball favorite for his endearing fascination with…
A continued thank-you to Deadspin for being the only publication of any size and repute to be publishing regular information about a major sexual assault trial involving a former NBA MVP.
There’s good stuff in The Slot. Granted, I see it mostly when it’s crossposted, but I like the “new” Deadspin. Used to visit Gawker too, so really all this does is cut down on the amount of tabs I’ve got open.
There’s not much harm done by giving Tebow a roster spot in the low minors
There is no one named Murph in Brockton.
Every directional state can be combined with its partner. Done.
There are also too many states. Please eliminate three.
To paraphrase a tweet I once saw, “Are we sure Curt Schilling was actually good at pitching? Maybe baseballs were just trying to get away from his awful opinions.”
I’m hoping it’s the death rattle of the patriarchy.
*Obviously, a patriarchy will still exist for generations to come, but I’m hoping what we are seeing is the last gasp of it being considered as the “correct” way to organize society.
On... on his foot, right?
That’s what made Vin Baker so good, he never let himself get hung over.
Any Given Sundae
You wanted more Foodspin; you got it—now in video form! Behold the trailer above for the new show in which beloved…