
Moved to North Central PA from NJ, and you are spot-on. There are places that make great pizza if you know where to go, but most are disappointing. Seems the problem is cheap, bland ingredients, and the sauce is too sweet, like they use Prego spaghetti sauce or something. I wouldn’t be surprised.

Fuck Republicans, but she didn’t really “give herself” her current name, though I’m sure it didn’t hurt. This can also give them an in to claim that anyone pointing out her birth name are the actual racists.

Nah, anyone who would vote for Gaetz are conditioned to believe it’s all demoncrat lies meant to sully his good name, fake news! Even though it comes from another Republican. Otherwise they’d be admitting they made a mistake.

It’s hilarious you named yourself “Rick Grimes”, if trump survived the zombie apocalypse (lol) and ended up in Rick’s group, he’d be mercy killed because his incessant yapping would attract the walkers, not to mention being an all around liability and threat to everyone’s survival. More likely he’d just be a leader of

His cultists have already killed on his behalf, January 6th for sure, and arguably several mass shootings, but he hasn’t been held accountable yet.

It would be silly if it wasn’t putting her life in danger from the unhinged contingent of his cult. He’s put a target on her back. 

Pro-abortion”? It’s “pro-choice”. Who wants an abortion unless it’s absolutely necessary? You’re using a term that validates the propaganda spewed by anti-choice wingnuts. 

It’s a nearly 30 year old movie, so I don’t think the message worked. I appreciate the effort though!

I agree that the popularity of this genre is disturbing, but read the room or you might end up getting your eyeballs sucked out.

You forgot their #1 rule: “Rules for thee but not for me”.

They really are working hard...

All part of their plan.

You underestimate the ignorance of the people. Anything bad that happens is Biden’s fault, because they don’t know how the government works.

A 6 liter bottle of Angry Orchard for $200? That’s the equivalent of just over $12 for a 12 ounce can. Not sure the novelty bottle is worth it. 

FFS vote people. 

So you worked to help China build it’s manufacturing, can’t spell Reagan’s name correctly, spend your time trolling on this site, think trump will somehow help society as a whole (hurt whoever you hate?) and are too stupid to see how the economy under Obama’s first term was entirely the result of Bush’s policies.

I see there’s some delusional morons in the comments. As an aside, I see a lot of misspellings of the last name of one of the original anti-union Republican Presidents, Ronald Reagan (see PATCO). Give credit where credit is due.

Still just as much of a joke. 

Four hours in and everyone seems to be in agreement: He’s a joke, if only he wasn’t a contender for President. (grays not withstanding) 

in an architectural way”