
It’s by design. He’s an attention seeker and he’s pandering to a certain demographic to get it - assholes like himself.

Seems like we’re already getting back to calling people witches, just under different names. 

We have one at a gas station in town, one piece of chicken tastes like it has about a week’s worth of sodium, and I hear it’s loaded with MSG. I thought it was a fluke because I got the pre-made, but I gave it another shot with some fresh out of the fryer on a different day and it was no better. If they’d just cut

Gomer with the confederate flag proudly displayed on his pickup truck sure as hell isn’t voting Democrat. Times have changed a bit in 158 years, don’t you think? 

I would think it has a transponder or beacon of some kind, exactly for situations like this. Did they not think of it or are they that cheap?

I hate that cilantro tastes like soap to me, like old-fashioned, generic bar soap smells, with a bitterness that you’d imagine it would have if you licked it. I’m not a picky eater, I like to try new things, and love to cook and experiment. Heck, I even like a good fresh-made quac as long as the cilantro is hidden

All the toxic wanna-be survivalist a-holes will love this. They’ll probably start putting Kraven stickers on their pickup trucks, with no clue that the definition of craven is “contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly”.

Ugh, I’ll have to ignore the comments here and just continue to suspend my disbelief and be entertained. It’s all fantasy anyway, we’ll probably blow ourselves up before we get anywhere near something like The Federation. WWIII happens in Trek cannon, but I don’t think we’d get off that easy.

Not worse, but it sure isn’t helping.  

I’m up in arms about people being ignorant and uneducated enough to drag us back to the dark ages. There are many examples, and here’s another. 

She doesn’t have these people on because they’re “weird”, it’s because she believes this crap. It’s yet another platform legitimizing lies, ignorance, hate and idiocy.

That’s plenty enough to save lives.

I actually admired her when all I knew was that she was a woman racer.

The kind of crap she’s peddling just makes the world a worse place for all of us, but sure, she’s a genius for doing so. 

So my takeaway here is that anyone can just decide to run for office to get around their conditions of parole.

schools, culture, sports, museums, jobs”, all the things DeSadness is driving away from Florida. Beaches I guess? He’ll find some way to screw them up though, making women wear full length dresses or some crap.

Love how the Homelander storyline lines up with a real-life guilty AF supposed “hero”. Not by accident, I’m guessing.

Is a famous musician who plays arenas more of a musician than someone who plays gigs at a local dive bar? No. It’s just a matter of resources, they’re both musicians. I think the same applies here.

I assume very little steel, weight is a top concern when launching satellites so they likely use mostly aluminum or other light-weight material. 

Not that I completely disagree, but part of what you said perfectly describes the Republican Party: “... anti unionist, is against consumers rights, is a defender and enricher of corporations, and either a commander of or participant in war crimes, as well as countless violations of constitutional law and