Brick HardMeat

I know it’s 10 days later, but I’m a vet and I wanted to tell you how awesome this reply is. It’s nice to run into people on the internet who have empathy, particularly these days when empathy is sorely lacking. It’s pretty obvious that you’re good people.

Yes, I’d imagine it’s a much different company than the one he founded.

I feel like I’m one of the few people who doesn’t have an opinion about Jack Dorsey. The only time I ever hear from the guy is when Ted Cruz and TFG’s zealots accuse him of being “anti-conservative” because he won’t let them post antivax or election disinformation on Twitter.

SA was the first to report it. But it could just be another “Spanish” that that probably originated in Kansas, Spain was just the first to talk about it.

Somehow, I feel like a US travel ban only makes sense if it extends to all countries where cases have been identified, as opposed to just South Africa and its neighbors (which assumes that the variant originated there as opposed to merely being identified there first, and the fact that it’s been identified elsewhere

Yup. I guess you have to try the travel restrictions, but it is almost always closing the doors after the horses have left the barn. Announcing you are doing it in a few days is just telling the horses the barn door will be closing soon, so they better escape now.

My guess is it has already spread to every country that has had any flights from the south of the African continent in the past week. The first flights the countries in this article have checked on already had cases of Omicron, so either that was super unlucky or it was not the first flights to carry the virus. 

Raclette is a bog-standard festival food in Switzerland. Though a styrene plate with a puddle of cheese and 4 baby potatoes on it would be less likely to inspire this kind of write-up it generally hits the spot.
The one thing that might be tricky is that it’s impossible to speed up or pre-dish so it leads to queues.

To the hateful idiot I just dismissed.

Well sure, the life of a propaganda tool is pretty sweet. He might have felt differently if he had to live the life of an average North Korean.

You are absolutely correct in stating that the rotten as hell, POS prosecutor needs to be put behind bars for a damn long time! She tried to cover up Mr. Arbery’ s murder. There were several members in the "injustice" system prepared to let these three racist muthafuckas go scot free!

This gif will never get old.

Justice will not be served until the initial prosecutor and all of the law enforcement that tried to cover up this case are convicted of conspiracy and being accessories to murder after the fact.

Yeah. Connor probably funded a few Tea Party rallies.

He’s not going to get any better. People just need to accept it. This is who he is now. He’s Dennis Miller.

Ten years ago I wouldn’t have believed that Lady Gaga was going to be an enduring and beloved part of pop culture, and man am I glad to be wrong.

I don’t blame her. I still keep my eyes open when walking past federal buildings, just in case there’s some nutjobs out and about. I’m just glad I live east of the river. We don’t get much in the way of protesters in southeast DC.

Ed is like something out of an annoying parody of a Terry Gilliam film.