He should quit these pretentious things and just punch the clock.
He should quit these pretentious things and just punch the clock.
I feel like there’s an inside joke about the Zafira that I am not getting.
Found Portnoys burner account.
Behind the Bastards - Robert Evans
Who’s to say?
Was he a good dog?
The existence of Toxic Masculinity implies that there is also Oops I Did It Again Mascuilinity, ... Baby One More Time Masculinity and Work Bitch Masculinity.
but did Snopes WRITE that article or did they CUT AND PASTE it from a different source, let’s focus on what REALLY matters
Cool, pull their tax exemptions.
This is also the guy whose own siblings put out an ad asking people to not vote for him.
I’m guessing there were links involved.
I think you’d be surprised that’s not always the case. People value things differently, especially when you’re not using cash. I was into mechanical watches a few years ago and decided to try to do something like this by trading a very basic watch (purchased for $80) all the way up to an Omega. I got pretty far along…
Well, yes an no. Modern firearms theology says to keep your guns locked up when not in use, but that is far from a universal agreement. Some people like this nut feel unsafe unless they have instant access to a loaded “gun” at all times. Which is nonsense of course, but it’s a common point of view.
So... it’s not just a toy... but it is just a game?
Thousands of years? It was likely millions or billions of
years. Jeremy Bearimy’s.
It’s not just ‘classic’ novels: I’ve noticed an explosion of ads from Audible for militia porn, second American Civil War fantasies, and a lot of vet bro popcorn literature that just appeared in the last year or so. I’ve yet to figure out what algorithm I stumbled into to be assaulted with that (I am in law…