I prefer to think you have this saved on your phone for multiple uses and that it wasn't made specifically for this article.
I prefer to think you have this saved on your phone for multiple uses and that it wasn't made specifically for this article.
Grated parmesan is a great way to enhance instant mashed potatoes. Add a half cup of cheese and a half cup of milk and it really adds some great flavor.
My money says he tries, gets the name wrong, and we end up with Oliver Stone instead
I don’t know. I feel like the dealership has more to lose from lost work than to gain from a cut of the ad money. I wouldn’t want to be known for ridiculously over-inflating prices if I could help it so I would go in on a deal like that.
Panacea?! What do you have against tasty Italian meats?
I hear that Karenville and Beckyton are very interested in having her take on a government position.
Seeing as a street and an Avenue are supposed to run perpendicular to each other, how does a street take on the characteristics or an Avenue? Did you mean a boulevard?
Where is Mr. T when you need him?
I know very little about indy car; why are oval tracks more dangerous for indy cars than for nascar?
You know the HOA is dying to fine the shit out of the owner
Is that coming from Chevrolet or is that a dealer decision? Just curious.
Please tell me you forgot the /s.
Who wants to bet the HOA would be fine if someone decided to fly the Confederate flag? HOAs are horrible things that serve no purpose
Cchrist. Ever Walmart has more tact than that when it comes to union busting. When you get unfavorably compared to Walmart you done fucked up
Has anyone else ever landed a 9 in a standard half pipe? This 120 is impressive but he also has a lot more air.
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Kevin's telling the truth. They prefer that aggressive, suggestive, and demeaning acts be done in person
I haven’t forgotten my children in the car but I have forgotten to buckle my daughter’s seat belt twice. I don’t say that to say that I’m a better person or anything; I say this because I completely understand how changing up a routine can mean that you forget simple things like checking a seat belt or making the…
My goal in life is to be half as cool as Rapinoe is on her worst day