
I think you may need to pay saints row royalties to use their dildo bat

Fuck them... it’s in the name e“Sports”. You aren’t spoiling anything when you tell someone the outcome of a sporting event, that would be like ESPN not telling people who won the upcoming world series because a bunch of people DVRed the final game. IF people want to watch a recording of a championship without knowing

As an Army Soldier, as a person who’s been to Afghanistan, as a person who has fought for our rights and our nation, and wound up a bleeding heart liberal I am going to offer this: go fuck yourself.

If you like pee-puns, urine luck!

Simple modern living. Air conditioning, lights, refrigeration, television, movies, the huge selection of food in a grocery store. These things that we overlook and take for granted would be awe inspiring to a Roman citizen. Imagine how the empire state building would appear to someone who thought a five storey

In any type of survival senario the first three threats to survival are clean water, shelter, and food. In that order. And it’s almost impossible to have one item (that isn’t a survival kit) that will aid with all three. I would go with a good strong fixed blade knife, like an ESEE 6. A knife is versatile and can

Beat me to it.

Does diplomatic immunity prevent slashed tires and key marks?

He was great in Spartan.

What’s with gawker’s extreme hostility toward Vox? I feel like any time I read an article on here about them they are depicted as the devil.

Well... I’m a WVU alum, so I like Geno as well.


Jeep. And lincoln. I’ve seen old lincoln trucks on the road but I’d love to be able to check out a new one.

I must be the only person alive that wants to see Tebow play in the NFL again. And I’m an eagles fan. AND I hated Tebow in college.

I worked at a toys r us during Christmas a decade ago and a then a few years at a target. While I can’t speak for every store or employee, I will say that most of the time the stores have no say in how many items they get or what kind. Almost all of that is on the manufacturer or distributor. But I’m not surprised

Seriously, what the fuck is the joke with the multiple Chapter Five?

Read Short Fiction and if you care about SF/F then jojn Worldcon. This whole debacle has convinced me to join and vote next year and the subsequent years.

I’m curious why your opinion on Scalzi and Martin has been lowered due to their coverage on he Hugo debacle. I felt that both of them have been realtively fair in their thoughts on the subject.

That masterbater convince package could come in handy sometimes