The fuck advice is this? Open brand new consoles and put all your shit including passwords on them before handing an open box to a loved one?
The fuck advice is this? Open brand new consoles and put all your shit including passwords on them before handing an open box to a loved one?
Ring in the new year and say fuck the environment in style with plastic cups for 2022.
Ring in the new year and say fuck the environment in style with plastic cups for 2022.
And should therefore not be included in Sunday comics.
What really irks me is that we live in a world where people are celebrating Sony for PS5 colors when the system itself can't even be sold regularly. Talk about putting the cart before the horse Got it.
Not what "live footage" means Luke
Course then I'd be shopping at GameStop...
Course then I'd be shopping at GameStop...
No surprise here. Hey here's hoping while they're tinkering with the game they drop those fucking eyesore health bars and give Kevin a shirt.
God forbid you just put a list of what didnt make know, the point of this fucking article?
Or spend less than half of that on a regular old office chair and be more comfortable and look less like an 8chan virgin
Or spend less than half of that on a regular old office chair and be more comfortable and look less like an 8chan…
Lmao, what's this hack site gonna do without talking about fucking dislike ratios now?
Wanna talk about scalper prices again, oh oops, this ads for daddy bezos , guess that's off the table today.
Wanna talk about scalper prices again, oh oops, this ads for daddy bezos , guess that's off the table today.
You rep for Amazon, a place that sells these consoles at scalper prices. Use your head dude. Jesus.
You rep for Amazon, a place that sells these consoles at scalper prices. Use your head dude. Jesus.
Nice joey T. You sold your soul to daddy bezos for a 7 dollar discount. Do you ever wake up and feel good, or is it perpetual self loathing?
Nice joey T. You sold your soul to daddy bezos for a 7 dollar discount. Do you ever wake up and feel good, or is it…
Honestly why?
What a waste of a hades comic, and what the hell is with Zagreus’s eyes? He has one red eye and one blue, not a fucking red rock for an eye.
Wanna file this to Pokemon too?
Not what a reboot it is. Even soft. It was just a new season.
And this has what to do with pokemon?
Christ could they try any harder to make it look like a star wars cartoon?