
So this hack site will give ink to streamers and people who tweet a lot, and you have the gall to question weather or not Seth Green, who has been in film since he was 10, and has created more for the world in one year than you have in your whole life , is actually famous?

Im sorry, was she forced to accept a quarter million dollars for her silence? No? Then what are we doing here?

“more room for the crap they never touch...”

Most people who grew up with the Iron Giant are in their 30s now. And anyone that age who's butthurt that iron giant fights people in a cash grab video game should have their fucking heads checked. Grow up. 

Why are we still pretending Ari Notis knows anything about borderlands after he claimed the older titles were “M” rated because all the characters “curse like sailors on fleet week?”

Oh they’ll be fine Ari, apparently the best game ever made by your account hits gamepass soon, you remember, that three dollar vampire game no ones heard of?

Funny how comfortable kotaku is throwing stones at overwatch for using a diversity tool to make one of the most diverse AAA titles out there while there’s a tone deaf headline not five articles away starting with “Black dev....”

Way to make it about race there Gita Jackson. You know you can just say game dev next time. 

Honestly, do they pay you to pretend like there's anything worthwhile in this lineup? This is garbage, and has been for months now. MS really needs to step up their game. 

Fuck you can't write. He runs with a blade. He's blade runner. 

Wish it would love having good combat...

An adult actually giving a shit about this is some of the saddest shit I've ever heard.

Lonely island is so much better than anything this hack site has ever produced. And btw, I know this is basically an ad for p+ but just for the record, having the strongest viewership on paramount plus is like being the most attractive person at your DND’s a non achievement.

How does a game releasing in 2023 have a dumb name award for 2022 you absolute fucking muppet?

A total shut in obsesses over video game wasn't news the first ten articles , why is this still going? Has anyone offered him help?

But that doesn't make a clickable headline

Pikachu surprise face.

Awful lot of words for, the dragon lord as a sentient boss makes absolutely no sense for a board game . They couldn't write themselves out of it because it makes no sense whatsoever. 

Great atmosphere. Kinda shit gameplay

Mmm, more ads disguised as news. Kotaku must mean integrity.