
Just rewatched this a couple weeks ago, and it is 90's as all get out. I remember that gay character getting huge laughs from the audience back in the day (myself included), but holy shit it is cringy to watch now. Movie in general doesn't hold up very well anymore, though I totally agree it's still probably Bay's

Trump articles get all the clicks, which generate all the ad revenue. If you don't like it, don't feed the beast.

On the bright side this persons tragic final moments can be turned into an alright season premiere episode of a ghost hunting show, so it's not all bad.

My mom was telling me the other day about how she remembers the first Mexican restaurant opening up when she was a child in the 50's in Pasadena CA. She never even tried yogurt until the 70's. Bizarre.

When it comes to scary games, I've begun to realize that for me the best approach is to go running wildly from room to room triggering any enemies or jump scares, then when I inevitably die I already know what's coming and it takes the edge off. Most of the anxiety comes from the unknown so it helps immensely if you

I've been watching the Madhouse playthrough by RabidRetrospectGames on YouTube. It's without any commentary which I prefer in a game like this, since atmosphere and sound design go a long way toward the experience. Also this guy (or girl) has obviously played the game a few times already and knows what to do so you

C'mon now, the Chipotle chicken griller is a solid B-.

Needs more Panzer Dragoon. That Sega Saturn/PS1 era when consoles fully embraced CD was a great time for video game music, so many good symphonic scores.

As someone who people say looks like Casey Affleck, please don't mistakenly berate me in the streets for this. There are plenty of legitimate other reasons for me to be verbally/physically assaulted.


I'm not usually a fan of horror games since they leave me in a fecal pile, but I'll admit my curiosity is piqued. I'll see how the user reviews pan out on metacritic and maybe, just maybe, invest in some high impact adult diapers.

Rarrrgh aaaaaarrrrrr!!

If only that were the case. My step father betray me, I'm fed up with this world!

After years of springing The Room on unsuspecting friends and family, my step dad finally got a hold of my dvd one Christmas and threw it out.

Jesus I thought Jon Bernthal grew out his hair, lost a bunch of weight and aged 10 years.

Half my recommended YouTube videos are clips from the Monday Morning Podcast. The other half are millennials talking about video games they played back in the 90's. I'm a very sad, conflicted man.

I suppose I should admit that I've let this get a little personal for me. I couldn't stand either Trump or Clinton and my hope has always been that whoever won would be immediately impeached, but I do get a bit defensive about Assange. I just don't see why people say he needs to prove he's not a Russian puppet, when

Sure, but then why do we have to hold anyone to the standard of "You have to screw over everyone equally"? Almost every news article I've read in the last 18 months has been anti Trump. Should the press be pressured into kinder reporting toward Trump to keep things fair? By this rationale don't they need to show they

Corrected. Thank you Clippy.

So to have Assange prove that he's not just following someone elses orders, Lorre wants Julian to follow his orders. Got it.