
tl;dr: South Park didn't create the alt-right. For every political action there is an equal and opposite political reaction. Slow your roll.

He tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter.

Was anyone slightly thrown off by the vast difference in quality between the gorgeous shots of the inside of the mushroom cloud compared to the public access tv quality of the muzzle flares and foley from Rays gun when he shoots Dark Coop?

This episode shows why The Return continues to be my favorite part of Sunday night, and why I can't recommend it to anyone else I know as they'll be a combination of utterly confused and deeply bored.

Also didn't buy right off the bat, waited until the complete season was out and on sale. Wish I had jumped on it when it came out though, one of the few AAA title games to come out recently that I wouldn't have minded paying full price for. I've definitely got more than my moneys worth, and am going to buy Season 2 as

It's nice that they've given the targets at least some personality too (usually dickish), you didn't see that too much in previous entries I feel like. I remember the opera level in Blood Money had you killing the actor and his admirer, but in the briefing they tack on that they're running a child prostitution ring or

Completely agree, they should just release a remote virus kill switch as an unlockable.

I was turned off by all the bad user reviews, but it just ended up being people bitching about the release structure and it ended up being one of my favorite games ever made. I've poured in a Skyrim amount of hours playing it. Hope next weeks announcement is good news.

In fact, both of those things are used as murder weapons in the game. You can drown people in toilets and in Sapienza you can smother one of the targets to death with a pillow.

I had the treasure chest "duh nuh nuh NUUUUH" from Ocarina for years. Really set off the endorphins I already felt from someone actually wanting to communicate with me.

This has been bugging me all day. And since Nora wasn't the first one through I feel like word would have gotten around on the other side about what actually happened, and you would have a ton of people wanting to go back. Seems highly unlikely Nora would be the first and only to return.

I don't remember exactly, but did he know Australian Kevin was dead? Can't recall if he saw any of the news stories or if he ever heard about the killing. I know elder Kevin saw the body but I don't think the younger Kevin did.

Had a hunch Laurie might still be alive. That other place Kevin goes to seems to be populated solely by the dead indicating it's an afterlife. Laurie's absence was telling, though of course there was always the possibility they wanted to keep her fate ambiguous and having her show up would have been a dead giveaway

I agree, if anything this shows been one of the more compassionate shows out there toward believers and religion. Usually religious people are depicted as idiotic caricatures. I would typically laugh at a doomsday cultist, but that opening a few episodes back of the woman who loses her family over her beliefs elicited

I held off buying the game when it came out, despite loving every Hitman game other than Absolution because user reviews were so bad. Found out later it was mostly due to hate for the episodic release schedule, and it ended up being probably my favorite entry in the series, and I currently have over 200 hours playing

Good to know, I'll have to give those later ones a shot. Even season 1 of the original show had a lot of clunkiness, so maybe they're just finding their groove. I just wasn't sure if everyone was being really nice and giving the series bonus nostalgia points, or if something good inside of me had died and I just never

I think this may be the unpopular opinion here, but I just have to say I didn't think the episode I saw (Reptilicus) was all that funny, and I'm not exactly itching to continue the series at this point. I've never been much of a fan of the opening and closing host segments so I wasn't expecting much there, but the

Seriously, been hating for awhile. I only know that one song, but it's just 3 keys and they're all right next to each other. I don't even know how to play piano, nor am I musically inclined in general, yet I can play that song. Laziest melody out there.

No, if you made a website dedicated to Terrible this would be it:

Stop looking up my YouTube history, Internet!