
That the writer would state Chuck Lorre as having nerd cred for creating The Big Bang Theory automatically qualifies this as fake news.

You know that scene in Being John Malkovich where everyone is John Malkovich and they're just saying Malkovich over and over and over again?

Missing from this list: The endless lists about how much everyone hates 2016. Fucking Cubs.

But we're Americans! Whining is kind of our thing.


I was wondering when someone was going to criticize Trump. Surprised it took this long.

I think most people feel superior to both, they just have the good grace not to rub it in (gracefulness never having been my strong suit). Of course comparing yourself to staunch supporters of either party isn't exactly setting the bar high, morally or philosophically speaking.

Everyone needs to calm down, take a deep breath and remember, it doesn't matter whether you're a republican or a democrat. Either way, you're just… just a completely unbearable person, and most people cringe internally any time anything political is mentioned around you.

Stupid Sexy Flanders!

I like that the wonders take up their own spaces in 6. Makes the map way more interesting looking and some of them look gorgeous at night (in particular I like having Broadway right in front of my city tile, makes it look like a mega city).

I'd avoid going for religious victory in this game, if only because it's so stupidly easy it breaks the game. Just build stonehenge and start spreading those missionaries. Hit up any rival civ with holy districts and convert their cities. They'll make missionaries for your religion and spread the word, doing a lot of

My first win was a cultural victory as Greece. No one ever declared war on me, and no one would be my friend until the second to last turn where Japan finally wanted to buddy up. Next turn I won.

Seems like they always declare war on me when I'm at my weakest, only to stand around my cities and gawk at my water mill.

Just stopped playing a game in anger over the Religion system. I saw one of the AI's going for a religion victory, and I was the last civ to not be converted. I tried sending some missionaries to my allies territory (spreading their original religion back to their city to fight the dominate one), and the AI ended up

If they are going to turn Kingkiller Chronicle into a series of movies I say they cast Tyler Perry as Denna.

Yep that's it. That show was always something of a trigger for me to light up so my memory was a bit foggy.

I'm surprised no one mentioned she was also on Penny Dreadful. Had a great episode in season 2, then had a great character that the show did nothing with in season 3.

I feel like most of their stuff hasn't aged that well. It wasn't until Mike Judge had been doing KOTH for awhile that anything Beavis and Butthead related became pretty good, like the season that came out a few years back and the occasional special appearance piece.

I was about 10 when the show came on and my mom refused to let me watch it. Out of curiosity she watched an episode herself just to see how bad it was, and just ended up laughing her ass off. She was pretty embarrassed over how much she enjoyed it, and even ended up recommending it to a couple of her friends.

There was also a late night informercial with Billy Dee Williams for the DVD collection that had me laughing so hard I was in tears.