
Jim Jarmusch is one of those people I can immediately picture in my head, but cannot name a single thing he's been in or done.

Doing cocaine is bad?

My suspicion is they are just gonna edit together Brunagh/Lily's arc from PD and call it a movie.

No friggin way. I know what I'm getting for my birthday.

There goes Hugo and Jakes bread and butter. Better just hope Bibleman has an upcoming renaissance.

I never got into Bloodborne or Dark Souls or any of those, which is odd since everyone I know tells me I'd love those games. I'm just glad Civ 6 is coming out soon, which should keep me oblivious to everything going on in the outside world for at least the next 8 months. Tell me how the war with Russia goes.

Dammit is this not getting released on PC at the same time as consoles like with GTA V? I've gone the entirety of the current console gen without feeling like I'm missing anything, I don't want to start now.

Maybe you can tell me what happens if I don't vote for either candidate…

It's this sort of dropping the ball in politics that creates the rampant voter apathy we see in the first place.

I live in California thus my vote for president doesn't matter, so I'll be writing in "Porn Condoms" for president.

They're just robots, Morty! It's okay to shoot them! They're robots!

As someone who completely skipped over the article and only read the headline, my answer is: The names would be less masculine.

Not as impressive as the fact that every rap song ever written between 1989 and 2007 had the word "reminisce" somewhere in the lyrics.

He may very well always be my favorite Colonel Sanders, if only for that "just roll with it" shrug he gives in his first commercial (though Gaffigan's "I sure have a lot of nightmares about chicken" makes it a tough call).

I was pretty annoyed when I saw Rolling Stone rank him as one of the worst cast members in SNL history. I'd laugh harder at him reading War and Peace with all those weird inflections of his than I would most comedians telling actual jokes.

You're the one who thinks other commenters that use the hyperbolic expression "nerd blackface" literally believe The Big Bang theory is on par with actual bigotry.

No, but Jewish intellectuals are certainly a subset of "white nerds". Let's keep the straw manning to a minimum please, this isn't the comments section of CNN.

They have, they're called Jewish intellectuals. Got a pretty long history of that.


Edit: Deleting joke because upon reflection it sounds like the exact sort of joke the show would make.