
*Jolly Green Giant money shot*

Pfft, this just sounds like a rip off of the epic of Gilgamesh

A little surprised no one told you what happens in the last 30 seconds of the episode, but they basically close on Heidi offering to show Cartman her vagina, an offer that blows Cartman's mind. Not making this up.

I also plan to sue IMDB for not having any film credits listed under my name, which makes me look bad to casting directors and has impacted my career negatively.

Read about half of the book, but never got into it and couldn't finish it, mostly because I couldn't really stand Max.

And here I was expecting a late night network comedy host to play hardball with a presidential candidate. Because there's so much precedent of that happening.

My stepdad still has the dvd, they gave you one for free if you bought a BMW. Also despite owning a BMW he doesn't actually drive like an asshole. Exception to the rule I guess.

I'm a white guy and I don't want to go back to the 80's. I want to go to the future where everyone is robots.

I think I remember seeing an ad once telling me my vote for president was important, even though I live in California.

Wait what? I thought she was Gulf of Tonkin.

I feel like the first season was more McFarlane venting his frustrations with the Bush presidency, which was understandable but not particularly funny. Once Obama was in office the anger got scaled way down and the overall tone of the show began to more closely mirror the better aspects of early Family Guy. From then

Isn't condemning "Maury" for not being quality TV the same as shit talking a Snickers bar for not being as healthy as an artichoke? It's obviously bad for you, but sometimes in life you just crave complete garbage.


Huw's on first?

I think it's less detection and more willing it to be reality. I spent about 4 years thinking I was gay thanks to a bully before I realized I was totally rubbing one out to naked ladies doing sexy naked lady stuff.

Weird thing to note but I was actually really impressed by the dialog while Pablo and his son were playing Streets of Rage. It actually sounded like it was written by someone who played the game and knows that indeed yes, you need to destroy the phone booth to get the pipe. Even movies and TV shows based entirely

I still don't get why you guys don't make a politics section. That way you have a place to put political news stories that I can easily avoid.

Meat is being sort of generous. Isn't the taco meat somewhere from 25-50% tofu or something?

I completely agree, which is part of the reason I came up with a cheaper egg roll substitute in the first place.

One of my better stoner inventions is ordering the 2 for 99 cent tacos from Jack in the Box and dipping them in their sweet and sour sauce. Tastes like egg rolls.