
Had donkey in Beijing, just thought it was OK. Super salty and kind of jerky-ish. It was a somewhat empty hole in the wall though, maybe I just went to the wrong place.

The A.V. Club

Nuts to that. The next time I'm prompted to join one of two polarizing sides, I'm going to react by masturbating vigorously. Should be a raw election season.

Why does everything have to be one of those things?

My renegade playthroughs on Mass Effect are what convinced me I need to play evil on any game where there's a morality meter. I feel like devs heavily push you toward playing as the good guy, and some of the evil options end up being just plain impractical or stupid, but it's way more fun to be the bad guy, especially

I've been OBSESSED with Kingdom: New Lands over the past week to the point I've been having dreams about remodeling my house by throwing gold coins into the air.

To be fair, they said the same thing about Mortal Kombat 2 back in the day, and the first MK did a decent job preparing me I felt.

I believe there is a little diddy about one.

I'll make sure to leave it out of the bibliography.


Yeah but it'll grab attention way more than the alternative "politician expresses opinion that aligns with party base". I know that in the year of trump it seems like an anomaly for that to happen, but its actually how things usually are. I guess ultimately my question is "how is this news, internet?"

Eh I count this too. This should be sufficient to get the Forces of Feminism to once again do battle with the MRA Alliance. Reductivist characterizations abound! Ad Hominem insults fill the comments section like arrows in the sky! Nothing is accomplished in the name of Truth and Reason and Morality! HUZZAH!!!! 400


Dude, spoilers.

Anyone see Neil Breen's "Pass Thru" yet? I want to know if it's up to his usual standards. The trailer seemed promising.

Thank you for finally revealing ant-bear as Arthurs species. That was bugging me for decades.

I agree, "Islamophobic" seems like an inaccurate criticism. I think your example of xenophobic makes a lot more sense, and more specifically xenophobic toward Persians. But Islamophobic? Not at all. As has been pointed out Islam didn't even exist as a religion yet, and I don't recall there being any criticism of even

Fuck that shit, Jill Johnson 2017 mothafucks!

Still hard for me to recommend to others, but this'll work for me