
I first saw this movie high as balls and in 3D. It was honestly one of the most fantastic cinematic experiences I've ever had.

Note that "seriez" is spelled with a zed.

DAMMIT can't I go ONE DAY without hearing the name "Rube Goldberg"?

Protagonist named Grace and antagonist named Kane. SUBTLETY.

I am totally on board for this movie, but you must all know I'm partial to drugs. This isn't the sort of film you absorb and reflect upon, its the kind you watch in a pungent haze while popping action boners.

The AMC near me has showings before noon at a rate even lower than the standard matinee. The downside is it pulls in like 200 retirees per showing, and usually ends up being busier than most opening weekends.

People in general are the worst. This is why I like to go late enough that you don't get the morning matinee crowd but early enough that you don't get the families/people on dates/sexually frustrated teenagers who think this is MST3K.

I suggest they tap Jim Brewer. Pretty sure he's available.

Assuming most of his audience are young people in western countries I'd say it's a popular opinion amongst his demo, but there is a good chance he may have shocked some of his Iranian fans with his beliefs. I guess ultimately it gets back to how effective it is to preach to the choir.

I tend to like what little I've heard, but the Hatesong you guys had for "Same Love" a few months back nailed what I can't stand about that song. Don't get what's so brave about expressing a popular opinion. Had that song come out 20 years ago then it would have meant something maybe, or as much as I hate to say it,

N.W.A. has some of my favorite rock and roll performers, right up there with Bing Crosby and Merle Haggard.

Only if God exists. But no, it probably got less of a chance existing then skies of Arcadia 2 or hell seaman 2. Although I think shenmue 3 is quasi confirmed at least.

This game has already taken 40+ hours of my life and I don't regret it at all, but really I'm just waiting for the next Shining Force game. Good thing Sega has a record of resurrecting beloved titles and not just butt pumping Sonic the Hedgehogs corpse (now with cool neck bandana).

Holy cannolli I thought Achewood was dead for good holy cannolli.

It's sort of like when they call a new single on the radio a "music discovery" even though it's from a popular band on their 5th album.

I've never met anyone who hates Taco Bell that isn't to some significant degree an angry, miserable person.

Side cape = automatic cool in my book.

Christian Slater isn't Jewish?

I actually ended up cracking my fibula when I found myself caught up in a mosh pit instigated by Yellowcard (I'd just gotten out of a cast after breaking it earlier in the year). Friends and family still mock me for that, and rightfully so.

I remember as a kid seeing an episode of Tales from the Crypt where this gold digger wife killed her husband and turned him into a bar of soap (he was the founder of a big bath soap company or something). She then took a shower with the soap and got digested alive by his stomach acid. I didn't bathe with soap for a