
And that's fine, but did it bring about any significant change? I'm glad people are finally coming around to the idea that thoughts and prayers are meaningless, my only point is that stating the obvious online isn't exactly a lot better.

Yep, a whole bunch of them do, something else I hope doesn't come as a surprise to most people

If that's how you feel. And I've upvoted your up vote. . And just like that we've created a microcosm of Internet activism. Yay us, we're changing the world!

I don't know why I watched this. I hate both these things separately, and don't know why I would think I would like them better together.

You mean most people don't just assume politicians are full of shit right off the bat? Hearing that a bunch of GOP candidates are on the take from the NRA is like hearing most ISIS members aren't big fans of Gloria Steinem.

While I appreciate the sentiment, I'd have to say that social media based activism is only slightly more effective than offering "thoughts and prayers". If anything, it makes people feel like they've done something when ultimately they've done almost nothing.

Why do I feel like I'm just minutes away from some hipster telling me it's actually one of the best beers ever, and I just have to develop my palette before launching into a 12 minute monologue about his beer trading group?

Personally I'm not worried. As much as I tend to agree with AV club on TV grades, I almost never agree with them on movie grades.

Meme worthy clips aside, the scene in SNDN 2 where freeman shoots a random driver and almost gets hit by the car as it flips is one of the best practical stunts I've seen in a low budget movie.

I assume by next year they mean January. This just smacks of January release.

Are they just airing all the holiday episodes back to back out of fear the rest of the season's going to be pre-empted until after the Super Bowl, just so they'll at least be slightly relevant?

Holy crap I forgot about The Rock! That was the first movie I ever compared that game to as a kid, before I was even aware of the Escape movies. I always thought the soundtracks to those two were almost totally interchangeable, and I can't help but feel like the first 3 minutes of that movie had a huge influence on

I'd argue that MGS is more of a rip off of Escape from LA than NY. Snake infiltrates an island of bad guys via a one man submersible in order to stop them from unleashing a new super weapon upon the world, and save an important government officials daughter in the process. The catch though, is that he has a deadly

The graphics may be getting more realistic, but David Cage's scripts and character interactions are still…not………………..

Nope just been hitting randoms around season 5-7. Most shows are a bit weak the first season so I figure that would be when it hit its stride. Loved Curb your Enthusiasm, think Julia Louie Dreyfuss is fantastic on Veep, and I think Jerry Seinfeld as a comedian is good if overrated, but nothing about this show does it

Tried watching the show on Hulu since I didn't bother in the 90's, and came to the conclusion that watching "Seinfeld" is like going to Disneyland as an adult: If you didn't experience it when you were a lot younger, you won't get all the hype. Gotten 4 episodes in and only cracked a smile once (I think Elaine farted

I wouldn't say they make up for it, but it's like someone buying you a new 70 inch TV after collapsing your trachea.

In defense of iPhones being put together by underpaid suicidal Chinese people, it's the only way the company can keep their products prices so low.

I was hoping after "They Came Together" that people would realize the White People Dating in New York City genre was played out and needs to be retired, but then again no one saw "They Came Together".

Holy crow, I just happen to be going to Bumbershoot this weekend. But I'm also going to be too inebriated to remember to find you guys :\