
The irony here being they used the NES adaptation of the game for the image

I think one of my favorite games I've played from 1995 was this one strategy game called Warcraft 2. You can play as either the human alliance as the orcish horde, and it had a pretty solid level editor. Haven't heard any mention of it in any of of the 90's game articles so far, so I assume the franchise just ended up

So for the most part people would get rid of things they don't particularly hate is the theme here.

I had no idea so many goths looked like Kabal from MK3

Any instances of infanticide I may or may not have been involved in have much more to do with the hot button issue of whether the existence of the FCC violates the First Amendment, not whether the Second Amendment is still relevant or not.

My only input is I'm staying the hell out of this one.

1. I completely agree, all I'm saying is just because something shouldn't happen doesn't mean it won't. It's not that people SHOULD be commodified, just saying they CAN BE and ARE commodified.

1. Anything can be comodified, including humans. We've had a long history of slavery that unfortunately is still ongoing. People buy sex as a service all the time. Actually sex slavery is my only real issue with prostitution. OK, and adultery, but if you're single and they're consenting I don't see a problem.

Yeeeeah but every guy ultimately pays for sex, it's just some do it in a more direct way than others. You can throw down a couple hundred bucks for a nice night out that hopefully leads to sex or throw down a couple hundred bucks for guaranteed sex without having to feign interest.

Probably one of the better reasons to hire a hooker really. You get a few knotches on your belt and a lot of that performance anxiety goes away. Personally I think it would be better to lose your virginity to a hooker than to lose it at, say, 30+. If it's taken this long there are probably a ton of personal issues at

You either die an American Dad!, or live long enough to see yourself become The Simpsons.

And here I just thought it was supposed to be filler for the title credit sequence.

I wouldn't be too worried, every first person shooter in the last 10 years has made the Russians the villians and I haven't heard a damn peep from them myself. Also, shooting Russians got old 8 years ago. Maybe it's a time for a rerelease of the first Mercenaries game? Though unfortunately, it hasn't aged well. Still,

Nope, no praying there either. And it's the weekend dammit, I've got important things to not do.

Just checked, didn't happen. Also it turns out the entire Calvin and Hobbes catalogue is online, so that's neat.

I remember Calvin putting his hands together and praying twice in the entire run of the comic strip. Once to save the life of a baby raccoon he was taking care of (it ends up dying anyway), and once to the TV, which actually grants his wish.

To be fair, Kristen Stewart is a charasmatic, animated and all around cheerful person in real life with a wide range of emotions and a personality that doesn't at all resemble the ceiling of a low rent apartment, so really her acting on screen is quite impressive.

And in Asian countries they say "nguh", which it turns out is not a weird racist expression casually slipped into conversation.

Should have done regular goldfish instead of that weird graham cracker crap. Also Red Vines are way better than Twizzlers, unless you've undergone psychological abuse as a child.

I just happen to prefer nonprescription drugs.