
This is why I'm not a fan of prescription drugs.

This is a great way for him to follow up those new home refinancing rules that could save me thousands. Between weed, lower payments, and that one weird trick I used to get a flatter stomach, it's shaping up to be a good day.

In 2008 He converted to Scientology (He is currently an OT V).

The very one. I also found out she was a consultant for "The Newsroom". So one of my least favorite rightys collaborating with one of my least favorite leftys to make a show I can't stand. It all makes sense now.

Libby Hll got a mention from S.E. Cupp for her review of last weeks episode of "The Newsroom", but not the good kind like you want.

Just looked up Tom Cruise, IMDB says 5'7". To be fair too, she had a lot of scenes with Peter Dinklage the last couple seasons, which doesn't help.

Just looked her up on IMDB, she's 5'9". So only a giant by sherpa standards.

I think what disturbed me more was Tony and his band of breakfast brigands claim a tree is all alone, even though it's surrounded by what can literally be considered it's family, then uproot and kidnap it, and decorate it with food and electified wire as it slowly begins to die. Also, there seems to be a fire place in

That video has zero thumbs down. Human beings really aren't born with an evil nature after all.

Douglas Fir

The stories were OK, but it really was the illustrations that got to me. I was actually terrified to open those books because I worried I'd accidentally open up to one of the freakier drawings (the article picture being one of those). They should animate this movie, and find a way to capture the ghostliness of the

For some reason this comment became exponentially better when I read it in Tina's voice.

Logical fallacies no longer apply after high school. If they did we wouldn't be able to have politicians.

In my opinion the season was doing a pretty good job killing itself before she showed up, though it did redeem itself a fair amount toward the end. I think more than anything the structure of the season was the most problematic element. Some of the gags in the beginning of the season became funny once you saw what the

I've just gotten into this show, about halfway through the second season (thank god this article didnt have any spoilers for me). I think one of the more fascinating things about James is he could say something incredibly profound and thought out, but his expression and delivery would make anything he said sound like

I think the most disturbing thing for me is how much the scrapped Sam Fischer model looks like Kevin Sorbo in "God's Not Dead", a movie that itself has a frightening title that sounds like it's about an undead zombie deity.

Saw that movie as a kid and all the gay undertones (overtones?) went completely over my head. Saw a tv special about the NoES series and that was all they talked about. Need to see it again in that context.

Not mentioned in article: Morks space travel egg thingy nearby.

Gotta be getting mad laid to be at the point where if you can't place someone but you don't like them, you jump to thinking you probably just slept with them and they were an asshole afterwards.

Best marsupial is definitely the Wallaby. Do a Google image search and tell me honestly that I'm wrong.