USS Kardashian.
USS Kardashian.
I read that comment entirely using McConaughey’s voice. Did not disappoint
Alllright allright alright, a long, long time ago mann, I asked Sploid to write out text of their awesome list videos. It was at "mmMEEEAAgh!" "mmMEEAAgh!" that I realized they had taken this to it's ultimate art form.
Timing, timing, timing and picking the best take of all the takes for each scene, which means watching endless hours, days, weeks of bad footage to find the right take. Hopefully the scene logger has done their job as well which makes it easier.
Well, to be fair. Nobody actually casted him. He just showed up on set one day. And we all know, if Alan Tudyk randomly appears at your crafts service table munching on m&m's, you take advantage of the situation, get a suit on the man, and start rolling!
I want to point out- she IS Hope Pym. Nadia means Hope in Russian. Good move Waid!
I’ll be killed off in June and replaced by Miles Teller
I’m cautious about being played by people pretending to be better when they’re not (and just mad they got caught and willing to recite lines fed by a publicist to get people to leave him alone). But if we deny the possibility that our worst moments can be overcome, we may as well just give the fuck up on everybody,…
It could, theoretically, happen. Sony still owns the rights to all those versions of Spider-Man so there’s absolutely no legal impediment. It probably won’t happen anytime soon, though.
Gotta admit I’m dissappointed. After no set-up for Civil War on last week’s episode, I was hoping AoS would ignore the movie-verse right back.
Because it’s a a thing generating its own light, a source that is significantly brighter than the ambient light around it.
After TWS, tons of independently operating SHIELD teams were left without direction, including Coulson’s team. Coulson broke into a Nick Fury safe house and set up their for the rest of season 1 to fight Hydra when one of his own team members betrayed him.
Rajvir is a common Punjabi name that means “Lion King,” which is I think is pretty cool. Sikh name, kid.
Double Agent
Just to spit in DC’s eye: Avengers: Crisis on Infinity Earths and Avengers: The Death of Superman
Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.
Cool story and he seemed legit and fun. Good on him and good on the Blues for connecting with him in the heat of the moment rather than waiting like until next year. Also I love that he got a players jersey and not a custom one.
so like half these aren’t kills, just because cap hits someone with his shield doesn’t mean they are instantly dead. then at the end when he says he doesn’t want to kill anyone..doesn’t mean that he won’t.
While it’s likely that this is all there is to Fillion’s cameo—a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it nod for die-hard Avengers fans—man, I suddenly want Fillion to show up in Infinity War as Wonder Man for real. That would beamazing.
In my head canon, those two Stormtroopers are voiced by Chris McCulloch, and Doc Hammer.