Figurative Garbage, Esq.

For some reason I wish David Foster Wallace had written this and then it was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. The dry logistics of such an absurd event.

Damn, first world problems. Like you can't stream it or something? They make a show you like and goofed on letting you know about the premiere air-date.

I think that is a dark impulse, to hope the whole thing crumbles under the GOP's watch. The GOP has been accused of taking glee at dire news if it serves to undermine Obama. My hope is that progressives weather this storm and try to shelter those who may be most vulnerable in the years ahead. I just can't believe that

Your comment history is the basis for my nomination.

Xanderpuss 2020!

Member when it became formulaic and constricting for the writers?

Ban this guy for spoilers

Or Finn being an audience surrogate who is repeatedly gobsmacked at the things on screen, more so than farmboy Luke ever was. "Is this the Millennium Falcon of legend???"

Arya/Gendry shipping.

One might think the Earth and moon are pretty close to each other if your perspective is from Jupiter. Similarly, I'm sure everyone's viewpoint tends to look pretty indistinguishable when you're a c.h.u.d.

He fucking cried on TV last January when discussing school shootings. Do you… anything?

Then go vote in Narnia if all you can do is dole out sage condescension as though being a political cynic is edgy or insightful. The president took 5 fucking minutes out his life to list some mainstream sci-fi picks in conjunction with a statement about colonizing Mars. If you're going to thumb your nose at people on

I guess he can slap together a list of ten movies when he's taken 316 fewer vacation days than Bush (with only 100 days left in office). I mean, shit, he could have staged 1/100th of an elaborate "Mission Accomplished" photo shoot with those 5 minutes!

This isn't kitsch or insightful. It's just lazy like Thierry Guetta in "Exit Through the Gift Shop." Stop perpetuating this shit, AVC.

"No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire; the original version or Neon Bible version, driving fast at night or finishing a long jog. "Let's go!"

"No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire; the original version or Neon Bible version, driving fast at night or finishing a long jog. "Let's go!"

"No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire; the original version or Neon Bible version, driving fast at night or finishing a long jog. "Let's go!"

"No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire; the original version or Neon Bible version, driving fast at night or finishing a long jog. "Let's go!"

"No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire; the original version or Neon Bible version, driving fast at night or finishing a long jog. "Let's go!"

"No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire; the original version or Neon Bible version, driving fast at night or finishing a long jog. "Let's go!"