Figurative Garbage, Esq.

Yeah, ice dragon and cold hands, but the real question on everyone's mind: what's going on in Slaver's Bay and Qarth?

I'm watching just to see Daniel Craig do something other than "everyman" or "Bond." I'm not saying a soft southern affectation is an amazing thing to behold, it's just odd for him to tag onto a character. I'd like to think it was something Craig insisted be added.

I mean, there are always going to be subplots and details not covered in the book, and I suppose the plots deviate in some ways, but nothing is really being spoiled. Readers are like vegans: they will make sure you know.

Now that newbies and experts on basically on even ground, I read both. This review was more like a plot guide, while the experts review actually discusses issues with timing, etc. I wish they would devote a whole season to this war/exposition to the war with the dead, but it's just kind of a mad dash to the end after

I guess I just figured avc curated things a bit more than reviewing a c-/d 5th franchise entry whose main demographic is middle schoolers. And I was drunk at the time.

does the av club feel obligated to review this for completeness? or are you folks watching this…for completeness?

i got drunk at a bar and made a futurama reference. write an article about that, avc.

You get bored being so rich, but fucking up the meritocracy of a semi-level educational system is better snorting coke off a serf's back. Not so bored that you pick up a book and learn the difference between "proficiency" and "aptitude," but still.

It's already been made. Spoiler alert: "The Road" was actually about fiat currency.

Not that the series arc is compelling, but the stakes have never been lower in this coma-induced dreamscape. I feel like they jumped the shark with Barry and are kind of rudderless (Aqua Teen's perennial mock rebranding comes to mind).

Like all nostalgia based remakes, the sauce/movie won't be as good as in his memories. Keep chasing that brown dragon, Rick.

JonGorski, I fucking hate Trump. But asking seemingly sincere questions about assassinating the president elect could end up with you answering some uncomfortable questions with some uncomfortable people in suits. It's also a generally frowned upon practice. Rhetorically, yeah, I can imagine scenarios where a leader

Does this change…EVERYTHING?

You just lost "Funny/Not Funny", but I'll give you another shot.

I think my sentiment and yours are compatible. I get that other commentors are trying to say that with an in-show reference, but the comments are another example of the blurred lines between satire and reality. A snide joke about member berries turning into a bunch of repetitive references to seasons 1-8. Feed me your

Member irony? Member how member berries are a commentary on a self-indulgent yearning for the past that bring down civilizations? Member how The Force Awakens is really just a homage to A New Hope rather than a new movie? I member old South Park, but I don't think its formula/style was the pinnacle of

God, get PFFR on the phone replace MDE with a revived Wonder Showzen (I know it's a Viacom IP). I'll settle for an aggressive Horse Apples spin-off.

I innocently watched an episode and thought one sketch about a male escort service was kind of funny. I mentioned it to a friend and they said "really?" through their teeth, then told me to google MDE.

Nothing says "patriot" like shooting up a pizza joint and a dadaesque stoner network. It's in the Constitution, sheeple!

Don't Think Twice, It's Alt-Right