Figurative Garbage, Esq.

"No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire; the original version or Neon Bible version, driving fast at night or finishing a long jog. "Let's go!"

I think that means you are ready to graduate to the next phase: you may now drink a six-pack and watch the Golden Girls/Frasier in a hotel. Preferably with a paramour.

Really disappointed Dikachu is even aware the existence and nuances for this kind of thing. Don't try to tell me you keep finding it while ironically looking for Garfield porn parodies. You can't be that drunk that often.

I'll watch for Brett Gelman. I'd watch fucking Duck Dynasty if he were on it.

Seeing as half their traffic comes from disillusioned commentators, you only have yourself to blame. I think we have to ask ourselves what kind of quality of life we can provide AV Club at this point. I wouldn't want to be reduced to this.

I remember when this website was a about pop-culture commentary and reviews, but I guess buzz-feed with up-vote jockeying is profitable too.

Team America, Stick of Truth, The Book of Mormon. Sorry Spencer's Gifts doesn't want to sell Xanderpuss plushies (but maybe they should?)

It's postmodern adult swim absurdism. It's been around for over a decade now. Absolutely Productions, PFFR, Space Ghost. It's a burnt-out shell of a late night show with David Lynch undertones and shock value overtones. At this point, pretty well-worn territory that will be the future of ABC family in 5 years.

Good to see King Tommen FINALLY take charge and show some initiative!

Just him silently fucking a prostitute in the background of a brothel scene. Roses everywhere.

Bolton made some too. Like when Jon and Wunwun were eye-fucking each other, why didn't Bolton shoot Jon instead. Let's not be the guy in the movie theater who yells at the slasher victims what they SHOULD have done.

By that logic, Ramsey was never a bad guy because his dad was a rapist prick, so who can blame him for being a monster? It's not like the Others have any apparent motivations for killing children (or the Children).

"Happy shitting" is my new "goodbye"

So who's #1 in your heart?

SHAME. SHAME. SHAME. *rings bell*

1950's hipster? Pretty sure Starchy was turned into a thief when Finn said, "Stop, thief!"

I command you to make more meaningful comments, Mr. Meeseeks.

Reposted and Fire just need to get a room already. Jesus.

After watching this, I told a friend it is an exhausted, glittery fever dream. There's no structure or narrative; it just oscillates between mania and semiconsciousness.

Couldn't hurt!