Figurative Garbage, Esq.

Jason fucking gets it.

Are you plagued with Sphinxes of modern sensibilities in those parts?

I'm sure some liberal arts college somewhere has a course in the social impact of the Bartman, but I'd check to see if the AV Club is hiring before enrolling.

Tell me more about this cat.

I like the idea of "Bad Job, Internet" more than "Good Job, Internet"

I was hoping this meant Zelda with incest, rape, patricide, amputations, tits, eunuchs, brothels, and shit tossing. But I suppose I've always yearned for that.

I really got into the San Francisco garage rock scene a few years ago, and I found Pandora helpful. My Ty Segall radio station led me to Mikal Cronin, which led to another station and so on down the rabbit hole.

Pandora radio stations help. But I hear you.

Low can suck it. Saw them at 1st Avenue and fucking walked out out of boredom.

I can't say I understand this either. Band names are totally fucking arbitrary. But I'll be damned if I didn't read it and think that the letter 'f' was off base.

Bitter about what? There's still so much awesome music being pumped out, some of which is by the very bands in this list. Shit, the new Go! Team is as good as their debut album, so I'm happy my library is continuing to grow.

Naw, man, it's not hard. I spent my Sunday morning in bed reading album reviews and getting caught up on my music. Made my fucking day. Just have to take time to do it and enjoy it. But I do find my tastes exist in a bubble in my new town, as my college crew of music nerds diffused outward from the midwest.

I must find this thing. I feel old.

Youtube videos.

That kid should have wished for a personality.

This one actually goes in my top three. Jam packed with zingers and some actual character development. I'd like to see the show continue in this direction.

I hope they have medical staff on hand for when one of them inevitably eats one of the Plinko discs.

Maybe he hates his fucking car.

Hank has suffered from Enigma Constipation. Them secrets are bowel obstructing!

I was thinking the theme was about inaction and fear of being alone. Both the King and Seven were afraid of being alone. So they convinced Jake and Finn to stay by telling them it is too dangerous to leave. That it was better for them to wait around and kill time and hope what they want will come to them. The story is