Figurative Garbage, Esq.

Friday the 13th and Friday the 13th Part 2

How about a meta parody of a Wes Anderson parody? How many deviations can we get from the source material?

NEEEEEEERDS! *punches hole in wall*

Vin fucking Diesel would not be in a Wes Anderson movie. Willem Dafoe was the muscle in GBH. Maybe Ron Perlman, but he's not part of the Wes Anderson multiverse.

The backlash against Birdman's oscar kind of reminds me of social media rants against The Arcade Fire and Beck winning Grammys.

"Eraserhead 2: Adventures in Radiatorland"

Every time I remember something that trivial, I wonder why I can't remember how trigonometry works.

I know, right? I thought #43 would just be running around naked in the background, stealing food and cars. But why was he old? Shouldn't the clones be in their prime or something?

Visualize it. Now try to unvisualize it.

When I'm grading and discussing the merits of a show, yes.

My favorite line. My next bowling name.

Sorry, I thought you were the real Hank Venture.

Candy-people with skeletons? This show is full of shit.

Dick, you better be drunk on bourbon and lifting weights to throw that accusation on a forum for a cartoon show about unicorn-dogs and candy-people in the middle of the night.

Yeah, tossing Teen Titans into the thread seems to be a bit much. For me, SU and Teen Titans just don't have the same appeal to older audiences. DO YOU KIDS EVEN KNOW WHO THE TALKING HEADS ARE?

Settle this like real men: see who get's more up-votes.

Why does BP have a human skeleton when she works with candy-people?

I don't know. Sounds like Nuka Cola from Fallout 3….

My drunk go to song is "Diamond Sea" by Sonic Youth. Because for only $1 on the jukebox, I can lord over a bar full of douchebags with 25 minutes of jarring guitar solos.