Figurative Garbage, Esq.

Samurai Pizza Cats, you jackals!

Space Blanket, as played by Lars Von Trier!

So many commentary tracks! The modern day cure for the flu!

How did they not mention Brendon calling our McGirk for unnecessarily inserting himself into Brendon's life? I thought that was a beautiful callout that tried to actually address what the nature of their relationship had become.

This show was before shipping was a thing. Still, I feel compelled to do a google investigation. There could be a horrible tumblr.

American audiences would fall in love with 4 Brules and a guy quietly playing Diablo 3 in the background.

I was uncomfortable the first time I saw Brule's spinoff. I think it's because I was working in a group home for autistic men and the resemblance was just too on the nose. I am not fucking kidding.


They definitely had mouths. How about a telekinetic handy? A mindjob?

Archer should have gone all Shatner and banged a grey.

They should start recycling more Frisky Dingo characters. Ratings stunt crossover episode?

No, it doesn't bug me, and AV Club doesn't have to cater to my specific tastes. Not if they want to eat. But maybe the writers at AV Club do happen to share my view about Steven Universe. If they do like it, then yeah, it's baffling that they don't cover it.

No, that's the weird thing. I was talking about not liking Steven Universe. I like AT and, to a lesser degree, RS.

Oh, I get you! *wink*

If by "orange" you mean "meta-modern capitalism" and "grape" you mean "Benghazi"

Alright, I'll bite. I'm not sold on the show. Sorry. Maybe I'm too old. Maybe it reminds me of when my older sister would force the family to watch Sailor Moon, forever souring me on the magical girl format.

It's a metaphor for obviousness.

At least it wasn't a Slurm-shitting slug. I was getting worried.

They acknowledged that. I was only disappointed it wasn't "some kind of soda computer god baby."

I'll want a certificate of authenticity.