Figurative Garbage, Esq.

Did Clickhole and AVClub merge?

It's not that I don't enjoy reading. I just don't see the point of eating a pizza and a hamburger at the same time. I want to savor one, then go to the other if I am not sated.

Maybe they were concerned with over representing Adult Swim. They maybe could have just done Space Ghost and written the rest of the programming block off, but I think they just used AS as a filler for weaker letters.

Dikachu is a Lobner Prize winning AI.

I never said it was a bad thing.

+7 regular points!

Calling it. #1 costume for Halloween 2015.

I was disappointed in Finn's mirrors. He's been going through all this parent, female, Lich King stuff and the mirrors could have explored all those issues more deeply. Instead, two of the mirrors were jokes about his simple desires. Still, I enjoyed how he gave no thought to picking the spirit butterfly, only to

Tree Trunks is a slut!

That episode seemed to have some David Lynch undertones. I love the shrieking little lemon.

can't it be both?

Wake up. The comet symbolizes quantitative easing and the crack represents Citizens United.

As they say, "too many cooks…"

you both are on the internet. so you know… dictionary. shitkicker: 1. an unsophisticated or oafish person, especially one from a rural area. 2. a person who listens to or performs country music.

Andy Daly was the highlight for me. Ron Lynch is wasted on Mr. Pig's dialog.

I completely forgot about it until two months ago. I had a free night and downloaded an emulator for it. Thank god it was a three day weekend. I stopped when I got frustrated with the alignment system, cuz you go lich or you go home.

Ogre Battle 64, damn it! Sooo good.

I love this band more with each new release. Carrier wasn't as consistent as I would have hoped, but the songs with the Stargazer Orchestra are amazing and I hope they will expand their arrangement in their next release. Still Individ is wonderfully consistent for me and I've been listening to the advance stream on

You all have failed the mention the awesome bongo genie. Ship him and Gunther?

I'd like to buy you a beer, sir.