Figurative Garbage, Esq.

I found a photography project I did in high school based on the Priests and Paramedics. I used charred toys euthanizing each other. The kid next to me did Take Me Out to the Ballgame and photographed a tub of popcorn.

Prove it.

I refuse to engage in political discourse with a dick-themed pokemon (but maybe an anus-saur).

I meant I've been reading AV Club for years without a profile, but maybe Watchmen is a poor comparison because it's a pretty controversial adaptation. Given that the Avengers was twice handed an R rating before edits were made, it's a big leap to go from Hulk punching an alien to Deadpool stabbing Mr. Sinister in the

Here? As in the internet? You can read reviews without disqus.

I'd like to think Deadpool will be at least rated R, but I know that's why Marvel has been so reluctant to make his movie. I see them watering the character down quite a bit. But, hell, The Watchmen was pretty gritty, and it made money.

Close-watcher: a good man.

*turns into Daniel Plainview*

See above comment: GG Allin. His estate prefers desecration.

She's been a Republican soccer mom of three for years. Reanimate GG Allin's corpse and get him to sell Walmart. Then I'll forsake hope and enjoy low low price/feces.

To think Clarissa bought all those hubcaps and kitschy clothes at such low low prices, every day.

Pierogis are paninis, stupid!

I want to hear xanderpuss's thoughts on Poland's decision to keep interest rates flat, sticking to its stance that it will only resume monetary easing if there is a weakening of economic growth.

Too bad it's not animated GIFs of KFC fried chicken (too many "fried chickens", friendo)

Like everyone in college, I used to get drunk and pass out in my dorm bunk. I'd watch my roommate crack jokes while playing MegaMan, unaware I was in the room. Someday, people will look at that like I was a goddamn caveman staring into a fire.

Apples to oranges, my good chum. This meta-commentary is fueled by pop culture awareness and aged cynicism. Them kids are full of farts and too much mountain dew.

I used to get drunk and play on steam, garry's mod. Give kids 10 years younger than me sage advice about women and career advice at 1 in the morning. But these pewdiepie characters. It's just mindless played-up spastic reaction garbage. And I would do it for far less money.

You didn't see the bookshelf in Ike's bedroom? You're so obtuse.