Brian Mieszala

To be fair, I don't think it's a bad thing or necessarily wrong to be loyal to a company. They may not give a shit about you, but there is still a lot that, in this case, their games can truly impact your life in a positive way. That's very different from being blind and ignorant to the terrible shit they do, though.

Anyone complaining about the price has clearly never spent more than $10 on clothes or $3 on a meal

Price is actually great, given the size and the build and diorama features

You can buy individual bricks on other sites, like Bricklink, and make it yourself.

I get wanting to rename the holiday achievement, but c’mon with the bag achievement. At what point do we cross a line that just doesn't really need to be crossed? 

Really excited to be signed up and ready to go and still not get a code like last time.

You can barely walk into a car dealership and buy a car right now. Let’s not pretend the lack of ps5s, of which there are 10 million or something of in the wild now, is the problem

Its not for double achievements. I don't remember all the examples, I think Gears was one though, where the newer Series XS optimized versions ran at 4k 30, where XB1S could run at 1080p 60, abd there's no say to go back to the XB1S version to play it that way

People really need to just understand that a ps4 games is actually, on a system level, different from a ps5 game. Hence separate trophy lists and more complicated save transfer procedures, unless they are simplified by the devs themselves. I honestly don’t know how MS does it, and while it is very convenient 90% of

It probably stems from them somehow just being considered different games. Which is why they have separate trophy lists.

Yeah, opinions and all, I get it, but damn. Tsushima was my goty last year by a mile, and one of the more enjoyable open world games in recent memory. Not much bloat, not a million collectibles, absolutely gorgeous, engaging 85% of the time. More of that sounds amazing 

I can’t remember where I read / saw it, but someone described the toxicity of WoW as rooted in the design of the game. It’s horde vs. alliance, there always has been an antagonistic foundation of the game that was encouraged and exacerbated by Blizzard and their inaction in regard to that hostility spreading to other

Yeah.. console browsers have never been good, the one exception I can think of off the top of my head being the Wii U one. It actually was relatively fast and snappy. 

They do this with the launch of every new expansion because of inflated numbers of players. Since that inflation occurred earlier than normal, they turned this back on earlier, and will turn it off again later down the line.

This site cares less about just reporting news and instead prefers to spin it and sensationalize it. It's become annoying and ridiculous.

I have 2 accounts under my Mogstation login: my normal one that I have active with expansions and all that, including my character from FFXIV 1.0, and a second account associated with the beta I did for the game like 11 or 12 years ago on a computer that couldn't really run the game all that well. 

They’ve done this before, and they limit new character creation on servers that are at capacity. They learned from ARR launch what the servers can and can't handle, and have taken steps even 8 years later to make sure the playing experience is smooth for everyone

You didn’t actually need to grind anything during the campaign. You just.. play it for story. Which was the great part. There were weeks of open betas that showed you exactly what the combat and game would be. 

The campaign was great. The endgame you either like or don't. Only thing shitty around here are the majority of opinions 

I swear these articles are becoming less about informing and more about just blatantly shitting on everyone and everything. Captain America, despite the name, in modern times, has always fought for what he believed in, even going against the US government. Look at the MCU. The Civil War story. Remember the time he was