Brian Mieszala

Yes, that's definitely happening all over the country. Vaccines also tag and track you

Sure. You have police officers interacting with people in the community. Both sides see that the other isn't bad. A situation can be avoided in the future because both parties remember their previous, perfectly reasonable and peaceful interaction. Some kids get to have fun. 

Defunding wouldn't change anything. And just because it's hollow doesn't mean it is meaningless. It's something, and something is better than nothing 

Listen, there is absolutely no doubt there is a pervasive issue in this country with racism, and it absolutely extends to the police and how they interact with any person of color, and it absolutely needs to be addressed and changed. Police brutality is a big deal, and a real and widespread problem, and it needs to

This is everything I was hoping for, because nintendo has shown it can and would release hardware that’s more powerful and locks behind that revision to the detriment of other users who don’t upgrade. See: New 3DS. The X1X and PS4 Pro were pointless mid gen upgrades that set a bad precedent. I hope it doesn't stick. 

This thing is confused. It's a better handheld, but almost double the price of the handheld focused switch. I realize they probably needed some kind of revision, and the expectations of everyone out there were absolutely insane and untenable (4k would be saved for the inevitable successor), but this is just..

It was probably so the grandparents who got that Wii for bowling could (incredibly unlikely) buy the game but still be able to play after all those complicated tutorials from yesterday were forgotten. 

Not defending Sony here, but this isn't 2008 anymore. There's so much trash released constantly that I personally welcome some gating. 

Because scalping is apparently far less scummy than adding additional gates for bots to take advantage of stock shortages, according to kotaku. It's definitely one of those "let's shit in everyone's cheerios" kind of mornings here

Its really not that bad, though. It's definitely middle of the pack in terms of the series as a whole. The story was forgettable, and some of the characters weren't good, but some were excellent. Lightning is a great protagonist. The music was also great, and the battle system was actually a lot of fun. It's just the

Ps5 upgrades aren't always convenient, but it's generally left to the discretion of the publisher. Clearly whatever MS is doing on the back end flags all versions of a game as the same game, while with Sony they are considered different games, and that is timately causing issues and requires extra effort by the

Hopefully you can totally opt out of pvp while still being able to play online. That’s easily the worst part of most Soulsborne games

Insomniac is a weird situation, since they were third party and made Sony exclusives for years, until Sunset Overdrive. Spiderman was a Sony thing, we assume, from a deal with Marvel to get the movie rights of the character into the MCU

I feel like this is the most accurate take. It took them almost all last year to figure out how to even do a Nintendo direct, after all. I can see them, based on chip shortages, emergency orders in Japan, and the incredible current sales of the system, just focusing on the next proper generation of the console instead

Final Fantasy is kinda special, though. Yoshi-P is special. 

The real issue here is expecting delicious food from Burger King

Yup, this game from a series you love will just disappear next month and you will never, ever play it. Ever.

I read the article, I saw some of the comparisons. They are close, but I’m sure anyone can argue that cracked glass textures are ambiguous and coincidental enough. However, there was a CD ROM of pictures with the book, and the freaking file name of a picture is same from the CD as it is in the game. They didn't even

So I don’t know what exactly goes on at the system level, but most of these upgrades are usually classified as new games. Every single ps4 -> ps5 upgraded game that I’m aware of has a new and separate trophy list, which generally is an indication of some software thing that makes it basically a different game. Plenty

It says I really like tits