Brian Mieszala

Cicadas come out many years. This is just a massive event from a particular species that's special.

I think it's just dependent on the trigger for any particular trophy. Which is why Destiny 2 and Avengers all popped their trophies when booting up the ps5 versions of the games but FF14 required me to continue doing things in the game to pop trophies 

I mean, saving would defeat the purpose of the game. If you lose a run due to some shit, that sucks, but you go at it again. The one issue I fully support is needing to go and not trusting rest mode. They should implement a temporary save option that deletes itself when you load it, like certain games had back during

Came here to say this, I'm leaving you with a nice star

Make sure you save up 4-5 million Gil, then try to buy a house in Ishgard. You will always have an excuse to visit it again then! 

Stormblood wasn't bad, I think it suffered from the massive shift in location that was a little out of left field. The buildup to it was great, the stage was set, then.. you hit a wall and decide to go do some other shit on the other side if the world. And then that narrative took over, and eventually shifting back

Server woes for online games have been the norm for going on decades now. Every WoW expansion had days of issues. Launch WoW was unstable and buggy for months. FF14 was so hard to get into people would just afk and stay logged in 24/7, because it was impossible to actually get into the game for a few weeks. Sim City,

You answered your own question and kinda made this whole article pointless, didn’t you? No, Sony with ps now doesn’t need to compete with Microsoft and game pass. Clearly the model is sustainable enough for Sony, while their focus is on their hardware and incredibly strong first party studios and exclusive games. It's

I don't think anyone is being fired. The studio is essentially going away, and being absorbed into Team Asobi. I'm speculating that anyone who didn't want to do that and wanted to pursue other alternatives could leave when the new fiscal year began and the move was made official

My biggest question is why someone hasn't had a limit increase in at least a decade.

Except all those have a vastly different means to an end. The entertainment aspects overlap, but a play / movie / live performance gives you a significantly different result than a charity event, which this is at the end if the day. If it was cancelled, that's millions of dollars a charity doesn't get.

Yup, the mmorpg with millions of subscribers that follows the business model of a monthly fee, few real microtransactions, major content patches every few months with a major new expansion every 2 years is a lot different from the other mmorpg with millions of subscribers that follows the business model of a monthly

Im pretty sure FFXIV has only the single game time card of $30 for 60 days, so this isn’t that big of a deal honestly.

Contrary to it being repeatedly stated that you needed both versions of the game simultaneously installed, you actually don't. Does that make the process any more intuitive? Nope. And it perma-froze the game on launch every single time until I deleted it and reinstalled it. 

Separate trophy lists for these cross gen upgrade games is a boon for trophy hunting. I personally love that

Right? Almost like the senate has had to deal with the impeachment of a psychotic and racist former president and is still in the process of appointing cabinet members so large arms of the government have leadership; usually a good idea. It took 2 weeks for them to even figure out how power should he split in a 50/50

Demise 5 times. It stopped being fun after the first time

Everyone has their opinions about games in a series. I really feel the XIII games get undeserved hate, though, like the group that dislike it is especially vocal and loud. It had some good, some bad, and ultimately is a middle of the pack game in the series.

Since you seem to have information on the hacker no one else does, like their age, you should report that to the authorities. Threatening to release private information of hundreds of innocent employees that had nothing to do with the decisions executives made is beyond fucked up

What a fucking scumbag. CDPR doesn't deserve to be absolved of the things its done, but blackmail like this is gross. The kid needs to be caught and repeatedly kicked in the balls / vagina