Brian Mieszala

The thing about Ubi is, you like their games or you don’t. I personally enjoy that their games are big, open, lots to do, lots to check off, etc. I don’t mind if the stories have sucked for years now. And the microtransactions aren’t, in my mind, too bad, mostly random and cosmetic things that are never necessary. The

Great month. Also kinda puts to bed a lot of the drama surrounding Control and upgrading to ps5. Not that that greedy crap from the publisher was excusable in any way

Kotaku has had it out for the game for months. I have it, I haven't really played it, I have no opinion on the game itself, but everything they say about it, starting months ago with the crunch, has just been negativity ad nauseum. It's weird how strongly they are opposed to it.

Hey, I miss the snow. I wish I could leave it on permanently, since I rarely see any irl these days.

I've said it a few times: many of the issues need to be reported on, its very necessary, but the way which Kotaku has been reporting.on the game feels especially personal and vindictive.

Selling ps5 with cyberpunk 2077 on it, pulled from store, $2,100

I mentioned this yesterday and people took a lot of issues with that statement, for some reason. I don’t disagree there are issues, I don’t disagree it was shitty and deceptive to keep the base, last gen consoles hidden until people saw how bad they were in comparison to current to higher end pc. I don’t agree CDPR

That thing flying behind you? See it? Thats the point you missed entirely 

Too bad for me how?

Eh, not quite. There is just underlying disdain im getting from most of these articles, going back months. In a case dealing with Trump, that disdain would be beyond warranted. In this case.. harder call to make. The higher ups are to blame for this shitshow, the devs did everything they could. The game should have

Is it just me, or does Kotaku as a whole have some weird vendetta against CDPR? Like every article has plenty of jabs, shit talking, etc, and its been going on for a while now. I get they promised no crunch, but still had to crunch, then old gen versions came out looking and playing like shit, but it feels like a

Most of the reviews boil down to, basically, "amazing game, lots of bugs". In many cases it was still given high scores. In a few cases, it was given solid scores while calling out the fact that bugs detracted significantly from the score. I'm not defending the game here, I haven't played it passed character creation,

I absolutely don't disagree, and I'm in no way defending CDPR here. Skyrim, for example, is heralded as a generational game, but I most remember it as a broken mess that barely, or in many cases just didn't, work on ps3 for years. Since then, its been fixed and enhanced drastically and is just a great game. I really

This was a great read. Thank you for it, and I’m sorry you are being harassed because you didn’t say Cyberpunk was the second coming of Jesus like everyone expected.

Its an amazing game that completely unraveled at the end. Ghost or Hades should have won, for sure, they were as excellent start to finish.

I’d never pay over MSRP for something like a playstation or xbox, but I did get a ps5 day one. For me, it wasn’t because I (entirely) wanted something shiny and new, but I was knew it was coming up and saved up since 2019 to get it, so financially it wasn’t an issue, and my ps4 was such a heavily used item in my

Its an incentive for people looking to "jump ship". If you had a ps4 for the last 7 years, chances are high you've already played many of these games. At the very least, now you don't need a disc to play them again. For people who played only pc or Xbox or Nintendo for the last 7 years, this is an incentive to buy

Even after living with a ps4 and rest mode forever, I always manually saves games when I can before stopping for the day.

I call it the sexbox. It requires some liberty in moving the letters around, but I can finally make that Family Guy skit from 15 years ago a reality

Ps4 was easy to develop for, actually.