God dammit! I actually repeated "Me neither, me neither, me neither" in my head immediately after posting because something about it didn't sound right.
God dammit! I actually repeated "Me neither, me neither, me neither" in my head immediately after posting because something about it didn't sound right.
Me either. Me either.
Yeah, agreed. It took me a while to get to the heart of it, but he's almost completely to blame for everything that happens. It's like the ultimate "manic pixie dream girl" movie, except this one actually calls out the guy on it.
I know around these parts (500) Days of Summer takes some flack, but its use of The Graduate to show the difference between Tom and Summer is really well done. Tom thinks it's a funny love story, Summer thinks it's a bleak, depressing drama (dramedy at best).
Yeah…there's so much wrong with their relationship that there's no way it ends well.
You know, that makes me think, I first saw this in the months after I graduated college, which really is the perfect time to see it. Not even just because of the obvious "graduate" thing, but more for the idea that you have to start trying to be an adult and you're really faking it until you make it. So, nods like…
Good point. As I've gotten older, I've cared less and less about movies looking/feeling "dated," and basically the only time I ever worry about this is when I show movies to my high school students, and even then I usually don't care much.
I love stories like that. It's not on this Cracked list of "Iconic Movie Scenes That Happened by Accident," but it's one of the best. http://www.cracked.com/arti…
I didn't really know it was a comedy when I first saw it. I was struck by how freaking funny it was.
"Did anyone think Bruce was retirement level hurt at the end of the second movie?"
I just remember being super bummed that this genius and supreme physical specimen ended up being a pawn.
I can't discount that theory. Could be.
I honestly mean to leave all get-off-my-lawn faux-rage aside - how the hell does this happen? How does Paul McCartney not get into a party?
Far too few people will get this. As it should be.
But Harvey Fierstein is famous for performing in drag at times, right? Maybe his character isn't supposed to be far off from his real life?
I hadn't thought about the jealousy over being the less-favored parent.
I remember laughing at "Aunt Jack" for no other reason than he called a guy "Aunt."
I had no idea what he meant by "power tools" when I was a kid. I literally thought power tools, and it just didn't make sense.
Yes, but it at least is justified at the very end when he was legally determined to have committed fraud and kidnapped the kids.
I think the original Parent Trap gets a pass, but to go out of your way to repeat it in 1999 shouldn't get a pass.