Rhymes with Cryin' Bud

I thought about that today. Assumedly there are swaths of people who would side against the Blues Brothers.

Reminds me of Hal's essay in Infinite Jest about the evolution of TV cops from flawless, isolated heroes to flawed, more reluctant heroes trapped in bureaucracy. The example Hal uses to illustrate the latter point? Frost's "Hill Street Blues."

It's not technically a YA novel, but it's basically YA. Reading it with that in mind kinda makes it make perfect sense.

I think what separates RPO from other blatant nostalgia is the number of "deep cuts" it references and/or involves heavily as opposed to the really easy stuff. WarGames vs. Ferris Bueller is one example. It doesn't exactly shy away from the "16 Biggest Hits" of the 1980s, but it still delves a lot deeper than most

How are you today?

True. But I mean he revealed his identity like 5 pages from the end; why not start backwards just in case? (Because it's a book, yes…)

Hawk, Candie is the one.

Honestly, every time I see him I picture Coach Wittenberg from "Hey Arnold," who he played and who was drawn in his image.

I said this somewhere else here: it reminded me of the face of the Evolution of the Arm, but whether or not that means anything is a different story.

The follow-up book being published this October is called The Final Dossier.

Frost is writing a follow-up to The Secret History of Twin Peaks being published this October titled….The Final Dossier. I think the narrative is over after this season.

God, all I've wanted out of "The Return" is some Billy Zane…IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

"What do we say in this situation?"

The only thing that bugged me about Tammy's handling of the "secret history of Twin Peaks" dossier is….why didn't she just check the back pages if her only directive was to discern the identity of the Archivist?

Yeah, the Coop part of Dougie has actually had a few of those moments, the most poignant for me being when he was tearing up looking at Sonny Jim. That's definitely Coop in there somewhere wishing he had a chance to settle down.

God dammit, now I'll be disappointed if that finale doesn't happen.

The Frost book at least heavily implies that Blue Rose-ish stuff has been on Cole's radar (so to speak) since the Teresa Banks case, and likely before that as well since Cole personally sent Cooper to investigate the Blue Rose elements of that case.

I'm not really a GoT watcher. I'm actually really happy that it's back though, because I don't see myself having to worry about Twin Peaks spoilers in GoT's large Sunday 9pm shadow.

Cole did personally send Cooper to Washington to investigate disappearances and general mystery/supernatural elements around the time of the Teresa Banks case, and according to the Frost book, Cooper was the "chosen" successor for Garland Briggs' UFO work. I think Cole's always known more than we think.

"Lucy's mostly there to try to add a bit of the old Twin Peaks vibe contrasting with the new town vibe"