Rhymes with Cryin' Bud

I walked right into that one

Oh I legit thought there was another site called Exquire…I'm not smart

That makes me laugh a lot more than it should.

Mine was Chicago. It was like 15 years ago and I was in middle school. I was clearly a cool kid.

"You know that question about which band you would travel back in time to catch in its prime? For me, the answer is always Queen, for the chance to hear Freddie Mercury in person. There isn’t even anyone in second place."

I'm a teacher myself. I used a few examples of this trope to teach my students about "white man's burden" in a larger Age of Imperialism unit. I showed clips from The Blind Side and Freedom Writers, and had the students tell me how they were examples of white man's burden. Then I showed them the trailer for Half


He Olmos had you!

Hey man, he went on to overcome a potentially debilitating bout with paranoid schizophrenia to become the first gay successful crime scene videographer.

Stand and Deliver 2: Uncommon Core

Dude, he had back problems

Already been done (maybe)

"Go back to your room. Play with your toys and your costumes. Forget about the baby. You can go to the Academy next year."
"That's not fair!"
"You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?"
"But it's a whole 'nother year!"

"Die Hard in a ________"

Yeah but he was robbed of an Oscar for his fantastic turn in "Just Like Heaven" alongside Oscar nominee Mark Ruffalo and Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon.

Comment/username synergy

Spilled Coke?

Yeah, I agree, I rewatched it and realized that Jareth was 100% justified in telling Sarah how awful she was.

Wind damage?

If you type "jennifer connelly horse" into Google image search, it's fun.