I meant the surnames Pennino and Klein are not really the same at all.
I meant the surnames Pennino and Klein are not really the same at all.
I meant like, gaining more life (and business) experience.
Well that's….not really the same at all.
Monday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Sunday Saturday
He's still charismatic, but I don't know, I thought he was pretty bad as Rocky in the last movie. He's not a smart character obviously, but he was absurdly dumb in lines like "Jamaica…European."
Didn't know what you meant, gotcha.
Technically wasn't it a transgender robot? It started out as a dude and he turned it into a woman.
After this, I hope we can be friends.
Sofia Coppola
He'd have no ability to get away with rape without comedy. Comedy's a front!
One of my obscure movie crushes is Mrs. Creed.
Well, the internet's a twisted place.
I was trying to be funny but looking back, that certainly didn't come across. Sorry!
The fucker should be put in jail.
It would because the process is unfinished.
Exactly. That's what drives me nuts about people defending this guy (or at least being lenient). It's not a Cosby or Allen situation. The dude fucking did it and ran.
I would've come to Gawker if I wanted to see Obama/Bush debates!
Around the time of the last couple episodes, I guaranteed some friends of mine that "Sesame Street" would get a hold of "Serial" and turn it into "Cereal." The next week this came out: https://twitter.com/sesames…