Rhymes with Cryin' Bud


The Shearer/Short synchronized swimming is still wildly funny.

The Lance thing I can see deservedly taking up a ton of time. Ray Lewis would also deserve a lot of time, but not nearly as much as it got….say, where did he end up getting hired right as soon as he retired again?

Oy vey.


Yeah but Reali was also in that final four and he's cool as shit.

He doesn't need SC as much as SC needs him.

Yes, Olbermann's ESPN show is fantastic.

Who ended up winning "Who's Now" anyway? Jeter? Brady? Kobe?

I think this might be the wrong website to spambot

Sir, and thank you. Shine my shoes while you're down there please?

"One's better than none."
- Kitty Genovese

My fiancee is a Yankees fan, and I'm a Red Sox fan.

Hooray Twin Peaks!

Hey, Coulier doesn't break the fourth wall. He's a goddamn professional.

Or at least when airplanes went to the bottoms of oceans, we knew where to find them.

That's the case he's made, and he's made it stunningly convincing.

"Roman Polanski has lived an amazing life. He's an award winning director, he survived the Holocaust, and he raped a 13 year old girl. I'd be okay with just one of those."
-Dan Mintz

That's fair.
