BrianGriffin has no patience for this

To be honest I think that IS part of the draw for Toyota in the first place especially their trucks. Like they haven’t tried to go full force luxury with something like the Tacoma, it’s just still a truck that does truck stuff no more no less. Not unlike people who buy a Jeep Wrangler, you are buying it for what it is

Automobiles are too ingrained in our culture to think there is a simple, logical solution to make such a massive change. Our choices in driving a car are entwined in all the other aspects of our lives - financially, socially, politically and emotionally - whether one wants to admit that or not. Vehicles are much more

We won’t have a choice. The big international companies are shifting to EVs across the other big markets in Asia and Europe, and the economies of scale just don’t make sense to keep on making ICE vehicles for the US market alone. We’ll be like England in the 70s and 80s with its highly idiosyncratic and antiquated

Republicans are bullies and criminals. They need to be held accountable for their disgusting actions.

She literally put (stolen) porn on daytime TV, but it’s supposedly the drag queens and libraries that are sexualizing kids? 

This is unbelievable, they have absolutely no shame. Hillary was right when she called them deplorable.   

That tears it - I’m definitely not voting for Hunter.

Just incredible that it took hours to realize they should return to the gate and disembark. I hope everyone on that flights takes Delta for everything they have. Unacceptable 

People: I hate SUVs that look like eggs!! Manufacturers should do something different!!

People when a manufacturer does something different: No, not like that. 

This article also leaves out that the brand manager for Bud Light did an interview where she said the product’s core customers were fratty and out of touch. If it had only been sending a beer can to a trans influencer it would have been just another example of rainbow capitalism that came and went, but the implication

Not to give Mulvaney a hard time; I like her (as much as I can like anyone who calls herself an “influencer”, anyway). But expecting any corporation to behave morally and decently when it might impact profits is pretty risky, and expecting a public corporation to do so is utter fantasy. Boards of directors have only

I am an old, so I am not familiar with her work, or this controversy.

To be fair to Toyota, they aren’t making “bland bar of soap” cars.

Never had the Spongebob pop but as a kid, I had several other cartoon character type pops. From what I remember, this seems like a good thing. The gumballs always sucked. You had this good ice cream bar and at the end you had this old, chalky, half frozen gumballs that you chewed for 30 seconds and spit out.

If Peta cares about dogs they should do something about all the ridiculous “rescues” in the city that gate keep their dogs to only the the most pristine of households with yards and one stay at home parent FOR A DOG IN A CITY OF 8 MILLION PEOPLE. They all suck and are stupid. 

Yup. Pete pretty much said what I would’ve said to Daphna. 

NGL - whenever I hear of a friend or acquaintance getting a purebred dog through a breeder (don’t know anyone getting dogs through pet stores unless it’s an adoption event) my eyebrow raises. Genuinely, what are you doing? But the allergy argument is pretty compelling and just about the only one that doesn’t leave me

Fuck PETA. Always and forever.

So is Jez’s love affair with everything Pete Davidson finally over or...?

On another note, PETA can absolutely get fucked. As far as I’m concerned, they’re right up there with the Proud Boys in terms of shitty groups of shitty people.

peta is a terrible organization that turns off most people to the idea of animal rights and shouldn’t be calling out individuals just buying a pet. bother farming  corporations and big box pet stores that still sell animals.