BrianGriffin has no patience for this

I’m surprised that there’s not commercially available private-jet sized supersonic planes. Something that holds 8-12 passengers, basically a big F15 for private use. Even if every flight costs $2M, there would be *some* people or businesses that would be willing to pay it.

Nothing should be rebooted, ever (I’d argue that shows that are pre/sequels like HOTD don’t count) but definite nothing should be rebooted within a period of time where the actors look about the same currently as they did during the premier.

A pedestrian is way more maneuverable than a vehicle and has way fewer blind spots. You’d think we’d encourage just an ounce of self-preservation among people walking. And yet, it’s the cars’ fault. For driving on the road that was built for cars. 

This is concerning for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it’s “fill up you oil tank for winter” time. I used to have oil heat and I truly feel for those people who have it still, seeing $6 a gallon fuel rates. And while I know having gas or electric is no picnic either, it’s sure hard to stomach the

OMG I feel dumb. Still terrifying and uncomfortable though.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some horror movies with demons who have a less scary face than that dude. British people jokes aside, has he never used a toothbrush?

Kills me that three years ago this truck would be half this price. But you’re right, it’s NP in today’s market.

The procedure was no big deal. Much like having a cavity filled, the worst part was the needle of lidocaine or whatever they use to numb the area. In and out in 20ish minutes.

Luckily my insurance is decent and my vasectomy last year was completely covered. The frustration was that I had to wait into my mid-30s and basically prove to the doctor that I was “done wanting kids”. I would have had a vasectomy at 18 if they had let me.

Is there a link anywhere to the indictment? I can’t find it and none of the articles I’ve read have actually detailed what happened. 

That’s wild, especially since the sub-$20k price was such a huge talking point when the Maverick dropped. Nothing will ever be affordable ever again. 

Oddly enough, if she had just stuck to her original statement (eff you Bill Clinton), it would probably align her with more republican voters than a hardline prohibition. But why let logic rear its head in politicking.

You’re lucky you still have all of your organs. 

Sort by newest and don’t forget to show the pending comments! Some of the best stuff gets buried in the grays. 

This is terrifying.

Idk how accurate this site is, but potentially they’re down 40% in July vs June. I’m sure if you compare it to 2 years ago, it’ll be another huge number:

Your attitude is why Jalopnik is the way that it is now. No fun, disdainful, snarky, and downright elitist. No actual review or opinion other than “this thing that people like, well it sucks, because I said so”.

Take off the stupid police sh!t and it’s a well-priced Expy. As long as the hour meter doesn’t show 10,000 idle hours, it’s as fair priced as any other Expy out there with those miles.

Prius driver had the luckiest day of their lives. 

Rivian’s product is better than the original Fiskar, they have more production capability, and I’ve actually seen Rivian products on the road routinely. I don’t think they’ll be Tesla and be able to go it alone, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they got snapped up in a few years by an automaker that wants a more modern