BrianGriffin has no patience for this

I’d guess that this is a good tool for someone who either does a ton of brake jobs or who doesn’t own a C clamp (so is a newbie). I know finding a good spot to affix the clamp on my brake caliper is a bit annoying, so this tool would make it one notch less annoying.

:looks around at my house:

I read this whole article for some reason and still can’t tell if the point is that they’re “bad” or “desirable” 

The phrasing of the question is a bit confusing. He may also be referring to “exporting” to other states - that’s how the sales tax comes into play (as well as cheap registration fees). As others have stated, it’s frowned upon and can cause the franchise to get in hot water if they don’t do their due diligence. I bet

I was all on board until the end - wood cutting boards have their place, but it’s not in a normal consumer’s kitchen.  They’re a lot of work to maintain and keep clean, even more work to store if you don’t want it out all the time (you don’t want it out all the time)  

Lol look at you bringing a spare for your BMW. I de-run-flatted mine and just live life dangerously*

So, I’m curious. When I pack for a trip, I generally bring two changes of clothes per day (well like 1.5, assume I can rewear jeans), an extra pair of shoes, and the equivalent of 4, 16.9oz water bottles and a few other drinks per day. Throw in some food and that’s more than I can imagine fits in a Miata.

This article is especially concerning because it describes 3-5000 sq ft homes as “mansions”. 

That’s only partially true. Motors are in the seats (I mean, they almost always are) but the car’s ECU or similar module controls the seat. I can’t think of any manufacturer that includes a computer *in* the seat, just perhaps a circuit board.

I was sorta on board until I had a BMW with its creepily named GENTLEMAN MODE (I think some Lexuses have it, too). It’s a button that allows you to adjust the passenger seat by using the driver’s seat controls.

See. Maybe I’m different than the average Jalop. When you’re buying this car, you’re paying $10k for a 2001 Mustang and $18k for the ability to talk and show off your unique car.

Rob, I gotta thank you. This article was the first major laugh I’ve had in a while.

You have put more thought into this comment than any of the engineers at GM put into the Cavalier. 

That’s what I’m hoping here. The seller made a typo on the listing 😆

Oh, the horror. How dare these teens try to get a vaccine with…(checks notes)…totally minimal side effects? 🙄

There seems to be a part missing to this story, which also seems unnecessarily, well, mean, just because these folks were entertainers.

Bethlehem! Where they wait at 720am at the end of Main St for the 730am parking rules to go in effect and then it’s game on.

In my part of (not rural) PA, I see a few postal JLUs and parking enforcement JKUs that are right hand drive. Seems unnecessary. The parking enforcement ones especially; but your tax dollars at work I guess. 

Wrong. The Sonic’s dash was the only redeeming quality that car had. Fight me.

Yeah, agreed. There needs to be a more reasonable amount of time - 15 minutes? 30? Something where the average person wouldn’t be caught off guard or indisposed by needing to return to their vehicle immediately.