BrianGriffin has no patience for this

I don’t hate this idea. I’ve been trying to make hot sauce on pizza be a thing for years. 

Those fried onion strings are also a great addition to sandwiches and tacos. 

Tonight, I had red meat for the first time in six months, only because i found a frozen steak in the back of the freezer and felt bad wasting it. I’ll probably die tomorrow 😆

I hate to be the contrarian, but I really really miss living with a partner. Dogs are great, but it’s just not the same. I understand people who are in relationships and want space and distance and even those that have their own rooms; it’s not for me. 

I’m tangentially friends with one woman who is fairly successful on OnlyFans. She has about 600k IG followers and roughly 3-4000 Only Fans subscribers (at $15-$30/mth). Because Fans also have to pay for certain vids and photos, it can be lucrative. She makes roughly $20-30000 per month after fees, plus income from

My comment didn’t have anything to do with the pandemic - I even stated as such. If 2020 was rosy and happy and there were starry-eyed puppies dancing in the street, Corvette guy would still be a giant douche. 

God that comment from the prospective Corvette person just drips with privilege and arrogance. Ignoring the fact that 2020 is a shitshow- your super special car is a few months late? Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

It seems like a pretty low number, in my opinion. There’s always going to be some baseline number that we can’t get below, even with full self driving everything. Even trains crash.  

It’s because many drivers aren’t reporting their incomes (Rideshares issue 1099Ks at $20,000 of earnings instead of normal contractors who get 1099s at $600 of earnings). The government doesn’t care about the health and safety of the worker, they’re just pissed they’re missing out on income tax revenue.

Technically the contractors should be paying both halves of FICA when they file their tax returns. They’re not, which is the government’s issue.

I was with you until the last sentence. Home values increasing is typically a good thing. *Rents* increasing dramatically is a shitty thing - especially if the landlord’s costs are relatively fixed in the face of increasing values (taxes go up, sure, but the mortgage / insurance usually doesn’t change). 

It was also partly because of farming 

Preowned Chevy Volt, they’re slow-car-fun in an economy car sense. The depreciation on a Model 3 at 160k miles would be massive after only four years.

I didn’t know you got a TT! I’ve also been dreaming of one since I was a kid, and may pull the trigger when the weather turns and people want to offload their convertibles. Anything I should look for / watch out for?

Some Honda’s had a cam on the passenger mirror that turned on when you used the right turn signal.  You could press a button and leave it on permanently. It was weird at first but ended up being kinda handy.

They seem unnecessarily bad for the environment. I get, what, like four swipes with one?  Just use some spray and a towel. 

Some car tech, like blind spot monitors and their associated rear-traffic alert, are awesome and work very well. I’d be happy to have them, because they’re not obtrusive and also aren’t a crutch, they’re an asset as much as seatbelts and airbags.

Are you from the northeast? The South and west historically started sooner and ended sooner, because of heat in un-air conditioned schools. I grew up in PA and it was sometime during my education (I wanna say late 90s) that school went from after Labor Day to the week before. My sons school starts 8/25.


It is less to do with the cars themselves and more to do with the size of stuff Americans need to put into those cars (both in body mass and in consumerism). Style and “wealth” (lol) plays a part, but not as much as the age of the population and the size of our asses.