BrianGriffin has no patience for this

This is on the low end of what people are asking for these things. Does that make it a nice price? Maybe to someone. I just can’t foresee who that someone is.

I’ve dated lady versions of Pete. Compelling, funny, entertaining, and a giant pain in the ass. Someone who’s a good time for a few weeks but becomes irritating after a short time. 

It’s on the sticker in the ad.  Paint code is for Forest Service green.

The Blinds have said that this all started from an open relationship / threesome kinda thing, so you’re likely correct and this is just framing for publicity sake. 

This is definitely a forest Service truck. Fleet sales could be ordered however the fleet wanted - plenty of CVPIs of the era came with velour seats, carpet, cruise, nice’s whatever the fleet wanted to spend their money on. Considering how many forest service departments now have well-appointed Explorers or

I don’t understand your comment. Yes, the machine is doing the work. That’s...the point?  I do not find shifting to be fun. 

I’m on your side, man. Using a manual off-road doesn’t make sense to me, either. To all those people with the Porsche/track comments, I say the same thing: doesn’t make sense.  I get my enjoyment from doing the thing as well as it can be done. 

Did you guys really need an entire article to explain the existence of black electrical tape?

That’s exactly it. White people don’t inherently care about other white people, they care about themselves only (which slightly translates to people they’re related to or know, but only because loss of that personal relationship would cause said white person some type of sadness).

That’s pretty sweet. Buy snow tires. And a couple of bodies....uhhh, bags of sand....for the trunk parcel shelf. 

Comes with a Bruno Magli interior trim package. 

Have you seen what Wranglers cost?  Most buyers don’t bat an eye to drop $40k on a Jeep, they’re not going to be scared by $40k for the Bronco. 

I’m a dork so I’m mostly concerned about pricing and mpgs.

That’s a Stella! comment.

Use an Ad-Blocker. I’m on mobile and it’s only half that bad. Still sucks, but only like five ads. 

StreetKa was better and I’m saving my pennies for when we can finally import one. 

A coworker of mine had a 2010 JK that I borrowed from time to time. I remember merging onto the highway and getting up to 75mph was...scary long.

Say you want to be responsible and purchase even the most reliable used car. Let’s say your budget is $300/mth (you have no cash saved, because you’re just starting out, or have had a bad run, or whatever) and you’re trying to be responsible and did your research, so you buy a $6000 used Honda Fit. It was low miles,

The Catch-22 is that you’ve got to be able to have a few years without a car payment in order to pay cash for one. That’s a hard hurdle to get over, more often than not. 

The quantity of people aggressively and angrily defending the Telluride is enough to make me never want to sit inside a Telluride.  I don’t need to be associated with a group of people that are so negative.