Now that’s blockbusting on a budget. Gives it a real DIY aesthetic.
Now that’s blockbusting on a budget. Gives it a real DIY aesthetic.
Wonder if she still has it on-hand in case Denis Villeneuve decides to make a movie version of Children/God Emperor of Dune
As someone who flies in and out of JFK pretty often, it isn’t as horrible of an airport as you think it is. Inferior compared to some Asian, European, and other American airports, but not that bad. And around the time this was filmed in the early 2000s, i’m sure there was a quarter-dispensing return cart. The only…
I think we need more gun legislation, but no amount of legislating or not legislating will make me any less terrified of the Times Square Elmo.
That’s true, they even use the phrase “Democrat run cities” when referring to Chicago, NY, LA (apparently tRump just said it about Milwaukee). But, all large cities in the US are democrat run, even in the reddest of red states.
Thing is, a lot “not top-shelf” for Spielberg would be a career highlight for plenty of other directors.
The Terminal was a nice little movie that would have difficulty getting made today since it’s not a 4-quadrant blockbuster or a low-budget indie. That said, it works very well based on the strength of Tom Hank’s charm and the good-natured spirit of the film.
This one always made emotional sense to me. Dixon is shown to be petty and careeris and Viktor’s actions directly result in Dixon, rightfully, not getting promoted. That he would react with cruelty is entirely in keeping with him as a a small man with power (nicely juxtaposted with Viktor, an impressive man with…
Why is Viktor the only Krakozhian passenger around?
It’s so funny to me when I see conservatives online talk about how New York is such a shithole and you can’t walk down the street without tripping over used neeedles or getting mugged and it’s like... you know this city wouldn’t be so wildly expensive to live in and be one of the largest tourist destinations in the…
Crime is a good example of an issue that we always interact with according to perception rather than data. Why is it that people that live no where near these cities are the ones raving about rampant violent crime?
The big thing that always bugged me about this movie is Dixon’s role in the ending. His motivation throughout the whole movie is to get Viktor to leave the airport so he’ll be out of Dixon’s hair. And then he gets exactly what he wanted when the war ends and Viktor is able to leave legally...and suddenly he tries to…
The main reason to dislike the Bourne sequels is, of course, that hack Palsy Greengrass directing them.
It’s a style that works well with a catchy melody, but those are hard. It feels a little humdrum when the big synth is basically propping up a simple beat. Dua Lipa or Billie Eilish pull from 80s pop, but their singles are easy to hum. Antonoff productions not as much.
The proliferation of his signature ’80s-inspired synth-pop sound
That’s family’s gonna need some lawyers, guns and money.
The comics were a bitter and entirely justified rage against George W Bush and post-9/11 America. This might not be the right tv show for you if hitting hard at Trump is off putting.
It might be a kind of boring reflection of reality but there literally are people trying to shoot up pizza parlors and goddamn actual Nazis out there who think others shouldn’t have rights because of their skin color. It might be lazy but it’s nothing like ‘TDS’.
R.E.M. now stands for Really Elderly Men.
It looks like the main character isn’t Mrs. Gardenia, the former owner of the Woodhouses’ apartment, but Terry Gionoffrio, the young houseguest of the Castavets who throws herself out the window early in the original film.