
On the Tim Scott episode in 3 weeks. 

It was a good speech, but not really worth sitting through the Oscars for. However, it also wasn’t some huge screed against Israel like some fundies want to make it seem like, it was basically the line noted in the article spoken by a Jewish director of a film about the Holocaust. Because of that they had to take

Deep cut.

The maniac has left the mansion.

It’s been over thirty years and I still remember his role on Maniac Mansion fondly.

Indeed. But these aren’t even folks that are that good at governing or manipulation. Manipulation is easy for people who already have cash and power to spread around. What they’re good at is being ridable coattails for those with no scruples or shame, of which there are plenty, and those folks will then do everything

To me it looks like someone who was torn between the need to accept roles as the “fat & crazy” woman in comedies and the fact that she didn’t like that at all.

It’s like if Preston Lacy from Jackass woke up one day and said “I’m tired of my dignity being taken from me bit by bit just to make money.

Now she’s trying to

The reason the shit-storm started for Confederate is because they and some other people working on the show described it in some detail, and it was looking pretty gross - among other things:

right-wingers would be attacking it as “woke propaganda””

If that’s what it was going to be. GoT fell away from its critique of medieval storytelling and power structures to instead focus on tits, gore and melodrama pretty damn quick. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that in the abstract. But to have the two white dudes who pointedly never focused on “the small folk” turn to

So, if Elon Musk — a big fan of Iain M. Banks — chose to bankroll a series of Culture movie/TV adaptations I’d... still think he was a worthless human being... but I would still watch them (assuming no musky editorial interference).

No motivation?? An old man, whose wife dies, has nothing left to live for, gets an opportunity to become young again and go on space adventures to kill aliens??? How’s that for an elevator pitch?

I actually kind of love the idea of him coming back with more and more outlandish suggestions, growing ever more desperate as they keep getting rejected:

The challenge for the Left Hand of Darkness is that Genly is a misogynist. He is the sole representative of the gender-normative worldview through which the reader is challenged. Watching the protagonist struggle with distaste while saying that some of his genderless hosts are acting “womanly” is entirely the point.

It was an unemployed homeless transgender athiest Muslim illegal immigrant homicidal rapist pedophile drug-lord kingpin from Mexico hired by George Soros, Barack Obama, and Bill Gates that was actually driving the boat.

Yup. And that’s worse.

As I said, there is no explanation for his behavior that doesn’t make him an asshole.

As an immunocompromised person, fuck this guy.

“I swear to DRUNK, I’m not GOD!”

I have Crohn’s disease and am on immunosuppressants. I wear masks everywhere. Even if I wasn’t sick, I might still wear them just because I would rather not get Covid if I can help it.

I got yelled at in a CVS once (in very liberal Santa Monica) for wearing a mask by some stranger. I don’t get why he cared. Me wearing