
Yeah, I’ve had the same thought. It used to be that even if most people were assholes —probably true, if unprovable—  most went out of their way to pretend otherwise most of the time, so in any ten given daily interactions, it was unlikely you’d have more than one bad one. But now nobody bothers to pretend otherwise,

And yet they believe gas trucks and cars are great for us.

It’s unfortunate that one of my favorite quotes has only recently come to be widely popular...

I had part of my colon removed last month and am having chemo for cancer. I wear a mask everywhere. Fuck Forrie.

And they say liberals are snowflakes. JFC.

Really, the only “government conspiracy” at work is the GOP’s own concerted efforts to keep their base as dumb as shit so that they will continue to swallow their daily allotment of “alternative facts” without question.

This has pretty much always been the game plan (trickle-down economics, voter suppression,

A strict reading of this law means no air travel within the state of Tennessee entirely, since jet exhaust is a “dangerous chemical.”

There were lots of stories in 2020 about masked people being berated and/or assaulted for wearing a mask in public

2020: Wearing a mask is a choice! You can wear a mask if you like; but you can’t make me wear one.

2024: I cannot be forced to sit next to someone wearing a mask! You wearing a mask is an attack on me!

The ABC’s of conservatism:

He seems to be implying that if the person was wearing a mask, they must have a communicable disease and so he felt unsafe sitting next to them. He himself seems bound and determined to make himself as susceptible to communicable diseases as he possibly can and assumes it is everybody else’s responsibility to keep him

He was just in a movie with Liam Neeson and Ciaran Hinds called In the Land of Saints and Sinners (I really enjoyed it, and was the first time I had seen him in anything post-GOT).

That being said, Jack played a young hitman without any qualms about killing, and he really can’t run away from his face.

Giving smart phones to boomers was a mistake.

“I refuse to sit next to someone who is considerate enough to wear a mask in public.  I mean, what kind of twisted freak tries to limit the spread of contagions to others?  Who does that?”

What a snowflake.

The entire rest of the cast also went out of their way in just about every interview to stress how nice and unlike Joffrey he was, clearly knowing this would happen otherwise.

I used to think the CBS execs were being really silly not letting Mary Tyler Moore play a divorced woman in her sitcom because they figured people would think she’d divorced Dick Van Dyke. Now I think they were just ahead of the curve.

Robert Goulet!

While Jeffrey Jones was very good in Beetlejuice, the absence of Glenn Shadix will be more missed, who is unable to reprise his role of Otho on account of being dead.

There’s no way he’s coming back. Unless Disney buys the rights from Amazon for $2B or something.