
The one that got me was destroying the human reaper at the end of ME2. That seemed like the no-brainer option for a good run (the kind of choice someone who would save the Rachni Queen would make). But NOPE, somehow despite that being the big crowning choice of the game, Cerberus still salvages it and gets

THANK you. Came here to say just that. The lackluster ending wouldn’t have been such a terrible thing if not for all the issues that came before it.

Being set in 2002 makes this movie a period piece in two senses!

It was very weird not to see him in Part 1 but I can understand it from an adaptation standpoint.

He disappears for a good chunk of the book, though, so I can see why Villeneuve didn’t think he was necessary for the first movie.

“Nefarious billionaire villains like David Choak (William B. Davis) are one-note...”

I saw The Batman as a Bruce Wayne origin story. He’s been a recluse for so long he hasn’t cared to develop his Bruce alter ego. In TAS, he always spoke in his Batman (real) voice and put on a different voice when he was around people other than Alfred. I think/hope he will create a Bruce Wayne personality in the

I’m not American, but why are dem states not using this precedent of “sue they neighbor” to do actual useful things related to gun ownership and use? Didn’t Kavanaugh himself opine that the Pandora’s Box was opened with this? Fucking start using it. Use it enough, and they’ll close the loophole themselves. They love

That would be Julie Brown. The white Julie brown.

Musk needs to face serious repercussions from the SEC for his shenanigans.

Too late

If the consent decree ends, I’d give him maybe a day before he tweets something even dumber and more nakedly manipulative, allowing the SEC to go after him even harder and maybe get jail time on the table, so in a roundabout way I’m all for it.

Obviously, she’s a great choice for Irulan. But I’m sad we probably won’t get Count and Lady Fenring using their secret language to talk about how vulgar and tacky the Harkonnens are. She would have been a fun Lady Fenring too. 

One man’s trash...
I think we’ve all seen enough feckless, politically kind, musical bio-pics. At least this way it’ll probably be a grotesque ego trip. I’m here for the train-wreck, that should at least be visually interesting.

And who is the little abomination Alia?

I saw a clip of one of Cali’s Elden Ring streams where she “asked” Verre about the blood on his hands and who he’d killed.

The chat replied “Gura.”

I’m very much the odd one out here in that I actually liked the ending...but in retrospect, I think I was looking for different things from it than others were (I wanted something bittersweet...and it worked really well for me).

The reaction to the ME3 ending is not the same as what John Boyega had to endure. Racist losers were trolling him and the screenplays for Eps 8 and 9 did him dirty; he went from a super original and interesting Star Wars character — a Stormtrooper awoken by the Force from brainwashing — to a clown running around

I don’t have kitten pictures but here’s my Buddy, dragging every stuffed animal he owns into the living room. The funniest thing is if they go off that rug, he won’t play with them, they have to be on the rug. So many rules.....

Screw putting them INTO the rocket, at this point I’d be fine with strapping them to the outside as insulation panels. (If that sounds overly harsh, it’s been a long day already and I’m a tad cranky. Finally made myself read the interview with Trump and his current feelings of what to do in Russia and gave myself a